The pirate writes: "I would describe it as a primer that functions as an all-purpose tool for sites-yet-to-be-determined, ie. disinfo qua disinfo, rather than a topic-specific thing listing established strawmen, weakpoints, buzz phrases etc. Which is a shame since it's the latter I'd really like to see. "The last couple of frames featured seem to take the topic a step further and in doing so defy comprehension at a quick glance. Clearly more study needed but keep your eye out for the phrase 'magic techniques and experiment'. Um... okay, didn't expect that. It's almost enough to make to make you think Aleister Crowley still treads the halls of GCHQ. Or his students at least. "Then again this is Glenn Greenwald fronting for the Snowden archives. Perhaps it's what they want us to know about? Either way one can't fail to be impressed by Greenwald. He didn't so much as bat an eyelid at the thought of GCHQ training its staff in the use of ...