UPDATED with The Stuxnet Worm and Fukushima, from Aangirfan. Death Cult at work. ^^^^^^^ We came across an old documentary about HAARP called Holes in Heaven. It contains a lot of good information as well as one stunning example of a person who checked his conscience at the door, if he ever had a conscience to start with. Several other people go on about the interconnected nature of the earth's electrical system, of all living creatures, of the planet as a whole. We agree though we have no scientific way of stating or proving such a thing. It just seems obvious to us. Some of the people in the documentary seem very naive when they express their concerns that the people doing HAARP must not know that everything is connected, otherwise they would take care not to do such dangerous experiments. Surely the people (social engineers) who got HAARP going *did* know the potential to control people through the earth's electromagnetic field, and controlling people was as much ...