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Showing posts from June, 2012

remote controlled fairy tale - UPDATED

UPDATE: 7/2/12 - See A13's latest post for more information Conveniently caught on video, listen to the commentary. We found it very "helpful" in shaping the narrative. Nice front row seat. And officer, if you need the video he got it all. Also of note in China, a man attacks a woman and chews her face. Etc. UPDATE: 6/28/12 - Toxicology tests are back. From our comment thread and the invaluable A13: Bath salts not to blame for 'Miami zombie' attack. Nope. We knew that. NOR do they have any other explanation. That means, dear readers, that there will be another incident. Because mind fucks like this take time to execute properly. Drip drip drip. They are not ready to announce the "real" fake problem yet. A pattern will need to be established first. The secret of the social engineers is to perpetuate the stress / relief cycle. The working hypothesis...