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A Higher Standard

All the war dead couldn't do what the economy seems to be doing: waking people up. It shows us the power of money, does it not? Sad, but we'll take the wake up call any way we can get it.

The division between left and right is easily manipulated for the ruling class. The division between ultra-rich and everybody else...not so much. The ruling class may have touched the third rail this time, as they have purposely set themselves apart from everyone else. So. Now they are apart from everyone else, as in pretty much every single person you know, whether democrat or republican, left or right, does not belong to the ruling class. The people who want to be bailed out travel in their own circles. That's the way they like it. They do not want to mingle with the hoi polloi, like you bubba, even though you might think you shit chocolate bars because you have a nice house and a nice car. Whatever. What I'm trying to say is when you get into us v them games, and you are so very seriously outnumbered, umm..., and pretty much all the people in the military come from the lower classes, well, you might want to rethink that plan.

In order for their plans to work, they must count on the military turning against us. Again, this may be one thing to accomplish with a terrorist attack or some more easily manipulated political trick, but it's quite another to accomplish with an economic collapse.

Therefore, John McCain seems to be devising a rise from the ashes. He will be a Maverick on this one. He will be the one to stand up to Wall Street, and then Sarah Palin will get back to Katie Couric with the answer, victoriously, to her question about how John McCain has stood up to the established interests. It doesn't matter if he's rolled over for three decades. It only matters what he does now. And if he is the one to stand up to Wall Street now, well, that will be all that matters. Does Obama understand this? Who knows.

The Republicans will be empowered. Then the terrorist attack will come, and then...Game Over USA. Sorry you lose.

But, first, we have this moment in time. We have this moment when everyone with eyes to see may gaze upon the true divide between us, the very many, and them, the chosen few. We observe an impressive chasm which the rich themselves excavated. They consider themselves safely on the other side. Safe from you and me.

Of course John McCain is one of them. So is Obama. But McCain will cross over here, magically, on a holographic media bridge, and pretend to be one of us just for as long as necessary until the terrorist attack comes and takes over the narrative, assuring him the victory. Then he dies and we are stuck with the vicious shrew.

Don't fall for it. If McCain or the Republicans stop the bailout plan, hey that great. Awesome. But we owe them NOTHING in exchange. NOT ONE THING! The politicians have the current account deficit with us, the American people. They owe US. You can think of any victory here as a small deposit against the vast treasure that they have looted from our country: dead and mangled people, outsourced jobs, moral standing around the world, crumbling infrastructure, environmental damage, substandard health care and education, etc. to infinity and beyond.

Now some will argue, well why should a politician stand up to Wall Street if they get nothing in return?

Because there comes a time when the scales of justice demand to be balanced. Any man or woman who cannot do the right thing without some sort of payback is inherently unqualified to lead this country.

Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous; teach me to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to seek reward, except that of knowing that I do your will. St. Ignatius Loyola
