OK, look. I'm no economist. This is the situation as best I can tell. We can pick Door #1: No bailout, severe recession; or Door #2: Bailout, greedy bankers happy, hyperinflationary depression follows, martial law, new currency (Amero) forced on Americans, NWO victory.
If you are not outraged yet, you need to pay closer attention. These Wall Street people have been screwing us every way to Sunday. These high rollers, these are the people ordering the 100 foot yachts and having to get on a waiting list because the demand is so high and there aren't enough crewmen! to service their amazing lifestyles, these are the people you are being asked -- nay THREATENED by Hank Paulson and other White House goons -- to bail out. Or else our economy will go in to a severe recession and credit will be tightened.
Is that right? A severe recession? In the unforgettable words of GWB, bring it on.
We can survive a severe recession people. It's the 'Rescue Plan' we need to avoid.