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We are living through a hinge of history

It's hard to know what to say right now. Certainly there's plenty to read, but understanding and integrating it all gives me intellectual indigestion. On top of that, certain dogs have not been barking lately, and that has to be factored in the calculus somewhere, too.

My overall impression -- 100,000' view -- is that the forces of good are prevailing. However, I do not expect this to be obvious for some time. Something very important must happen first: the filthy infection of greed, selfishness, ignorance and the love of lies and liars must be radically expunged from our nation. Denial must end. Truth must be faced. People must feel shame, remorse, and contrition for what we have allowed to take place in our names. Some of us already feel this, but many still have that smug quality developed from years of professional scapegoating.

Yes, we have been lied to, stolen from, poisoned and abused, but we have also been complacent and greedy. And all our wounds, which we nurse and lick in misery, we've inflicted on innocent people around the world. Our country will continue to suffer until massive numbers (ie: 95%) of Americans face these facts and experience remorse.

Given the widespread inability to think and reason, the massive addiction to corporate media propaganda, and the rich veins of racism and anger currently being strip mined by McCain/Palin in particular; we're nowhere near turning this thing around. But it has begun, and that is something; and it cannot be stopped. We will suffer until we have suffered enough, until the last ignorant asshole in America finally realizes that this country no longer caters to ignorant assholes. It's going to take awhile, and it's going to really suck; but this will be worth it.
