What are the odds?
US Vessels Collide in Strait of Hormuz, Navy Says
US Vessels Collide in Strait of Hormuz, Navy Says
Military analyst Loren Thompson of the U.S.-based Lexington Institute said a collision between two vessels in the world's most sophisticated navy is nearly unheard of.Oh ho ho. Not this week.
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I'm not really sure what if anything it signifies, but it was too much of a conicidence not to be suspicious. I was hoping we'd have at least four or five more years with access to whatever truth we seek, but creepily, the second sentence really says "we aren't going to let you view these sites for your own good". Obviously it's un-blocked now, but it really gave me one of those "holy crap" moments.
Now that I think about your OP, since Naval sonar has probably been beaching dolphins and whales for decades, in a perfect world, they have discovered how to return the favor.
Here's my message to them: