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will anyone notice?

The California man killed in front of the Pentagon, John Patrick Bedell, had a bone to pick.

Signs emerged that Bedell harbored ill feelings toward the government and the armed forces, and had questioned the circumstances behind the 2001 terrorist attacks.
In an Internet posting, a user by the name JPatrickBedell wrote that he was "determined to see that justice is served" in the death of Marine Col. James Sabow, who was found dead in the backyard of his California home in 1991. The death was ruled a suicide but the case has long been the source of theories of a cover up.

Sabow's family has maintained that he was murdered because he was about to expose covert military operations in Central America involving drug smuggling.

...Court records available online show the date of birth on the case mentioned by the user JPatrickBedell matches that of the John Patrick Bedell suspected in the shooting.

Al Carone's daughter, Desiree Ferdinand, mentioned Sabow in her deposition, which I wrote about here.

RK: So your father identified Oliver North as an associate?
DF: Oh yes.
RK: Did he say anything about working directly with Oliver North?
DF: Yes. They were involved with drug running for the CIA in the South America Region.
...RK: Was there anything else in South America that your father was upset about?
DF: Not that I really know of. He was just really upset when I guess the drug trafficking was getting out of
hand. They were using the drugs to buy guns, black operations were getting worse, “running amuck” was the
RK: Now did your father mention any words or names or indicators for some of these operations he was
involved in?
DF: No. The only time he had mentioned an operation by the name of Sand Man. Okay. He had also
mentioned an operation that was known as Amadeus and yet phone calls would come to the house when he was here in New Mexico and someone would say Amadeus and a lot of times he would call and say Amadeus and he would be out of the house within an hour of like a phone call coming in or him making a phone call. Sand Man he had mentioned. There was another one…tin roof or tin shed, something like that. He had discussed South America. He had discussed something about how they were putting for planes to land.
RK: Flights?
DF: Beacons. Something that radar would not detect and they were making….why can't I think of this
thing? For the runways. They were building runways but he never stated what it was called at any time and I
know he had gone to South or Latin America for that.
RK: To in effect build runways?
DF: Yes. And something to do with beacons. Something about the planes so that they could not be detected
coming in.
...RK: Did he indicate what time he saw George Bush and your father together?
DF: No he did not. I think he told me they were in the Honduras region. My father was passing himself off
as George Bush's private doctor.
RK: Did you have any indication of anything else about Mr. Bush?
DF: I don't understand your question. They were running drugs.
RK: Mr. Bush?
DF: Yes.
RK: With the assistance of?
DF: Mr. North and quite a few others
...RK: James Sabo?
DF: Colonel Sabo.
RK: How do you know of Colonel Sabo?
DF: It is not through my father, it is through what happen with Colonel Sabo. Okay.

In 1997, Mike Ruppert also testified before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, in which he mentioned Colonel Sabow's brother, David Sabow.

My evidence will show conclusively that, as a matter of national policy, set at the National Security Council - the White House - elements of the C.I.A., in concert with elements of the military, and other federal agencies, have dealt drugs to Americans for at least three decades. Major defense contractors like E-Systems have also engaged in such traffic. I will not cover the outstanding work of scholars such as Alfred McCoy of the University of Wisconsin and Peter Dale Scott of the University of California at Berkeley who document this activity back to the forties. Nor will I attempt to deliver the material which should be given to you directly by a great many other heroic witnesses including Celerino Castillo, Mike Levine, Dee Ferdinand, David Sabow, Brad Ayers, Tosh Plumley, Bo Abbott, Danny Sheehan, Gene Wheaton, John Mattes, Jack Terrell, Winfred Richardson (formerly of E-Systems), Michelle Cooper (formerly of E-Systems), Bill Tyree and Dois G. "Chip" Tatum. Also this committee should interview two former CIA employees on the subject. Their names are David MacMichael and Ralph McGehee.

An account of the Sabow case written by Gary Null.

Very briefly, Sabow was relieved of his duties along with Chief of Staff Colonel Joseph Underwood, allegedly as the result of an anonymous phone call to the Department of Defense's fraud and abuse hotline for allegedly misusing aircraft. The charges appeared to be trumped up. Sabow could not understand why the Marines suddenly treated him like a criminal after he had dedicated his life to the service, but his brother believes the military killed him because he had uncovered part of the drug trafficking operations.

Underwood and Sabow were next door neighbors. Underwood was home at the time of Sabow's death. Within hours of talking to Underwood, David Sabow knew that his brother had met with foul play. The military tried to intimidate David Sabow and his brother's widow into silence.

From another source:

The findings clearly indicate that Colonel Sabow did not fire the shotgun. The evidence of Col. Sabow’s murder is overwhelming. Why he was murdered and why there has been such a massive effort by the government in undertaking this cover-up is another matter. In summary, Colonel Sabow was Chief of Operations for Marine Air, Western Area. Shortly before his death, he learned of criminal activity by higher officials at El Toro Marine Air Base and others, involving illegal weapon shipments to Latin America, and drug shipments into various military bases on the return flights. He was intent on exposing these activities. The cover-up involves the DOD, the FBI and others. It is more than possible that solving the murder of Col. Sabow will lead investigators to those in the military who were involved in the illegal activities spoken of here. The DOJ, which has chosen to look the other way, at some point will be compelled to ask: WHO and WHY. This is perhaps not the first time the U.S. government has failed to seek justice for its citizens. But Col. Sabow’s murder and the subsequent cover-up by high military officials should be brought to light, if not for Col. Sabow’s family to receive justice, then for the American people who deserve much better from their officials. What is obvious from this entire chronicle is to what extent militarism has overcome our country and how covert intelligence operations are used to carry out the militaristic agenda.

People are trying to tell us something. People are giving their lives to tell us something.


kenny said…
"People are giving their lives to tell us something."

That's a very deep statement on many levels.

more high strangeness to come ...
A. Peasant said…
as you point out kenny, they have the conspiracy theory brush out for bedell. it's very sad. the information is IN THE OPEN for anyone to read, and it's going on for decades.
Penny said…
Ah, the 'conspiracy theory' label, how is it that has become so effective?

It is sad, really.

Oh, and for your comment about the trafficking angle, that should be interesting reading!
A. Peasant said…
well i don't see why they should set the agenda and we should all run around reacting.
Greg Bacon said…
If you want to read more about Ollie North, especially his plan to engage in a 'limited' nuclear exchange with the former USSR to take the heat off President Reagan during the Iran-Contra affair, get hold of a copy of "The Conspirators," by Al Martin.

Martin is a former Office of Naval Intelligence op who claims he was there when a lot of stuff took place and that ONI is usually behind a lot of actions since they are off the radar, because people concentrate on the CIA.

He also goes into the Bush cocaine dealings.
Terrible, terrifying report, twelth bough, but thank you for trying to set us free. I will read Al Martin's expose, Greg Bacon. Thank you all who write here!