We hear a lot about the violence in Mexico. The violence in Guatemala is much worse. We don't hear too much about Guatemala, however.
Exiled Guatemalan coffee farmer Leocadio Juracan explains that an oligarchy exists in Guatemala, and the violence is not actually random. Violence frequently targets people who challenge the oligarchy.
Gang-related violence has certain characteristics.
Social cleansing and state-sponsored violence does not get investigated.
Selected commandments of the Talmud justifying violence toward non-Jews:
We know the people who started this cycle of violence in Guatemala and keep it going to this day.
In 2006, Jay Zeidman, "the influential 24-year old White House liaison to the Jewish community" started shaking the trees for John Bolton.
Up in Illinois, Gerry (Jay) Weller, who supports his father-in-law Rios Montt, was a Republican serving in the US House of Representatives from 1995 to 2009. He left congress amid questions about his Nicaraguan land holdings; his wife's investments, and the contributions of an indicted defense contractor. (wikipedia)
Plus don't forget Weller came under pedophile rumors as mentioned in the Wayne Madsen report.
Down in Guatemala, Rios Montt's brother, a Catholic bishop, was conveniently tasked with getting to the bottom of that terrible genocide against the Guatemalan people.
One person who volunteered in these evangelical organizations writes on a message board:
As discussed the other day, these evangelical groups have the hallmarks of state-sponsored covert genocide:
The things done in Guatemala absolutely qualify as satanic.
And sure enough, who was down there helping out but the Israelis.
Among the many points made in the article (http://www.akha.org/content/missiondocuments/verbovillagesriosmontt.html):
GUATEMALA CITY – Three brothers linked to extortion and armed robbery were killed by lynch mobs in two separate incidents in northwestern Guatemala, police said Thursday.That is a lot of violence. Who are the "other organized crime elements?"
Jeronimo Aj Guarcas, 28, was beaten to death Tuesday by residents of the town of Semeja II who accused him of leading a gang that extorted protection payments from bus drivers. The following day, Mario and Miguel Aj Guarcas, ages 24 and 26, respectively, were caught in the act as they were robbing a bus. The vigilantes brought the two brothers to a soccer field in Semeja II, doused them with gasoline and set them on fire. At least 1,500 people in all took part in the lynchings, police said.
This week’s killings bring to 10 the number of alleged criminals slain by mobs in Guatemala so far this year. Forty accused wrongdoers died in 208 incidents of vigilante justice in Guatemala last year, according to official statistics, and the Central American nation has seen more than 300 fatal lynchings since 1996. The Mutual Support Group, a human rights organization, blames the lynchings on the failure of Guatemala’s institutions to “provide security and impart justice.”
Guatemalan authorities point to gangs and other organized-crime elements as the source of much of the violence in this country of roughly 13 million people, which recorded 6,475 homicides last year, an average of 18 murders per day. By comparison, 7,724 people were slain last year in neighboring Mexico, a nation of more than 100 million where rival drug cartels are waging war with each other and the security forces. All but 4 percent of Guatemalan murders go unpunished, the U.N.-sponsored International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala says.
Exiled Guatemalan coffee farmer Leocadio Juracan explains that an oligarchy exists in Guatemala, and the violence is not actually random. Violence frequently targets people who challenge the oligarchy.
“Guatemala is not a poor country,” he says. “There is a sector of society that is extremely rich, that has appropriated the wealth of the country and excluded the majority of the population.”^^^^^^^
This “oligarchy” has a vested interest in business as usual, says Juracan. He dismisses the theory that threats and attacks against the CCDA are the work of common criminals, noting that they always take place immediately after the group takes any sort of public political stance – criticizing the government for lack of action on land reform, for example, an issue for which resolution is decades overdue; or condemning the murder of unionists. “We connect [the attacks against us] to political acts.”...It is perfectly plausible, according to Juracan, that his attackers would have connections to wartime paramilitary groups.
Gang-related violence has certain characteristics.
- bodies are not usually mutilated or tortured
- perpetrators almost always use guns
- bodies are most often left in the place where the homicide occurred
- gang members flee the crime scene quickly to avoid being apprehended
- perpetrators usually lack the resources to move bodies without being seen or caught
- motives are usually self-defense or revenge
- bodies are often heavily mutilated and tortured, strangled, cut up, beaten, bound
- bodies are left in relatively public spaces, showing a high level of premeditation
- the perpetrators have the money and protection to transport the body to a public place
- motives are exterminating a specific social group, creating and/or reinforcing a culture of terror
- terror is amplified and compounded by retelling and news reports
- gangs are named as perpetrators, the culture of fear reinforced
Social cleansing and state-sponsored violence does not get investigated.
What may arguably be the strongest indication of the state’s role in the current violence is an absolute void of effective homicide investigations. Null or non-existent forensic investigations are a textbook indication of social cleansing. They allow for complete impunity, a heightened culture of terror, and increased powerlessness of victims’ family members, and more widely, civil society.^^^^^^^
Selected commandments of the Talmud justifying violence toward non-Jews:
Hilkkoth Akum XI or Z1: “Do not save Goyim in danger of death.”
Hilkkoth Akum XI: “Show no mercy to the Goyim.”
Yebhamoth 11b: "Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is of three years of age."
Yebamoth 98a: “All gentile children are animals.”
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: “All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples.”
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: “It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces.”
Zohar I, 160a or 168a: "Jews must always try to deceive Christians."
Zohar II, 4b: "The birth-rate of non-Jews has to be suppressed massively."
We know the people who started this cycle of violence in Guatemala and keep it going to this day.
Jose Efraín Rios-Montt, former dictator of Guatemala (1982-3), and wholesale butcher of Mayan indians and the poor of his country, a proud graduate of the US “School of the Americas”—training installation for Third World tyrants. [(center, with family)] (source)
This is the same Rios-Montt mentioned in my post the other day, the particular contribution. A Wayne Madsen report linked him to certain US politicians.
John Bolton, who supports Rios Montt, enjoys the support of organized Jewry.WMR has learned that the GOP for a number of years has used pipelines like the House and Senate page systems, political indoctrination organizations like the College Republicans, juvenile "diversion programs," and religious-connected political groups like to groom young men for the predatory sexual appetites of older male GOP members of Congress.
But it is not just young men who are groomed by the GOP predators. Republican Rep. Jerry Weller of Illinois, who is married to the daughter of Guatemalan ex-dictator (and fundamentalist Christian) Gen. Efrain Rios Montt, is rumored to have conducted an illicit affair with a 16-year old female page. This comes at a time when the United States and John Bolton, a supporter of Rios Montt, are attempting to sway the United Nations into electing Guatemala to the UN Security Council.
In 2006, Jay Zeidman, "the influential 24-year old White House liaison to the Jewish community" started shaking the trees for John Bolton.
[Zeidman] is putting out the call to prominent American Jewish organizations to support John Bolton -- with the arm-twisting innuendo that in this time of crisis in the Middle East, American Jews need to line up behind the guy Jesse Helms said "is the kind of man with whom I would want to stand at Armageddon, if it should be my lot to be on hand for what is forecast to be the final battle between good and evil in this world."...Zeidman has sent the word out to numerous Jewish organizations asking "What can the White House expect in terms of supporting John Bolton?"The young White House liaison to the Jewish community in 2006 had strong ties to Texas.
Zeidman is the son of prominent Greenberg Traurig attorney Fred S. Zeidman who is actively involved in leading Republican Jewish activities in Texas and is Vice Chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition. A bio of Fred Zeidman reports these affiliations:Texas is an important transit state for international trafficking rings.
Mr. Zeidman is very active in community and political affairs in Texas and nationwide. He holds leadership positions in the Anti-Defamation League (Southwest Region), the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), the Republican Jewish Coalition, the Texas Inter-Faith Housing Corp., and the Houston Jewish Community Foundation. He is also Texas Chairman of the State of Israel Bonds and a member of the Board of Development Corporation of Israel. He formerly served as co-chairman of the finance committee of the Republican Party of Harris County, Texas, and formerly served on the finance committee of the Republican Party of Texas, and is a Ranger for the Bush Campaign. Mr. Zeidman previously served as Vice Chairman, Board of Regents at Texas Southern University. In addition, Mr. Zeidman was vice-chairman of the Dole/Kemp presidential campaign in Harris County and has been a key Jewish advisor to Republican congressional and senatorial delegations nationwide. Fred Zeidman graduated Washington University and received an MBA from New York University.
Up in Illinois, Gerry (Jay) Weller, who supports his father-in-law Rios Montt, was a Republican serving in the US House of Representatives from 1995 to 2009. He left congress amid questions about his Nicaraguan land holdings; his wife's investments, and the contributions of an indicted defense contractor. (wikipedia)
Plus don't forget Weller came under pedophile rumors as mentioned in the Wayne Madsen report.
Down in Guatemala, Rios Montt's brother, a Catholic bishop, was conveniently tasked with getting to the bottom of that terrible genocide against the Guatemalan people.
Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about General Efrain Rios Montt is his brother. In May 1998 Bishop Mario Rios Montt succeeded the assassinated Bishop Juan Gerardi as head of the Catholic Church's human-rights office in Guatemala. His task is to continue Gerardi's work, uncovering the truth behind the massacre or disappearance of upwards of 200,000 people during the prolonged and continuing 'civil war'- more accurately described as attempted genocide - against the indigenous Mayan majority of the Guatemalan population. The person who, in the early 1985, presided over the most vicious single episode in this genocide was none other than the Bishop's brother, the General.At the same time that the Catholic Church set his brother in place as a bishop overseeing the cover-up, Rios Montt became an ordained minister of an authoritarian evangelical church siphoning people away from the Catholic Church.
In Guatemala, the Christian right was interested in converts by the end of 1982 reactionary Protestants had succeeded in recruiting 22 percent of the population to their theology of blind obedience and anti-communism. They were particularly hostile to Catholicism, especially "Liberation Theology," which many of the Guatemalan military deemed responsible for the insurgency.These evangelical organizations organized a lot of volunteers, aid, and programs for Guatemalan children.
Right-wing Christian organizations seemed to be especially drawn to the harsh social control being exerted on the highland Mayans. During the Rios Montt period, foreign fundamentalists were permitted access to military operational zones, while Catholics were turned away-or attacked.
Meanwhile, Rios Montt surrounded himself with advisers, both North American and Guatemalan, from his Verbo church, and what appeared to be a loose coalition of right-wing fundamentalist organizations, most notably Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network, began an extensive fundraising drive and also started sending volunteers to Ixil Triangle villages under military control. Rios Montt chose Love Lift International, the "relief arm" of Gospel Outreach, Verbo's parent church, to carry the food and supplies purchased with the money raised. Verbo representatives, along with an older evangelical outfit, the Wycliffe Bible Translators (WBT/SIL, the latter initials for the Summer Institute of Linguistics, an organization whose CIA connections are long and impeccable and which has often been charged with involvement in massacres of indigenous peoples throughout the Americas), arranged with the government "to take charge of all medical work in the Ixil Triangle, and for all education in Indian areas up to the third grade to be taught in Indian languages with WBT/SIL assistance," through the Behrhorst Clinic. WBT/SIL and the Clinic's parent, the Behrhorst Foundation, incorporated with Verbo Church into the Foundation for Aid to the Indian People (FUNDAPI), whose stated purpose was to channel international Christian donations to refugees and which coordinated volunteers from U.S. right-wing religious organizations.
One person who volunteered in these evangelical organizations writes on a message board:
I worked for New Life Service Co. in New York City for several years (GO church business) in the early 80's.... the whole time I was told (and believed) that I was doing God's work and supporting the ministry and was told that much of the money earned went to support the efforts in Guatemala to feed the poor and build houses (International Love Lift). 100% of my income went into the church, I was just given basic necesities to live + $10 a week (shared room & meals).The society of normal people greatly outnumbers the satanic "elite." That's why well-intentioned people must be tricked or coerced into doing things that they would otherwise not do.
It was soon after the Rios Montt episode that Gospel Outreach began to fall apart and break apart from the inside. It's hard to say what really happened (the trigger), but it was certainly not good. It was discovered that the head elder in charge of finances in GO NYC was using much of the church funds to build his own business. The Durkin GO church seems to have enabled all of this....(http://www.factnet.org/discus/messages/3/4850.html?1104203535)... seems the GO ministry was enablers of counterfeit Christians.
As discussed the other day, these evangelical groups have the hallmarks of state-sponsored covert genocide:
The markers of 'quiet' and covert genocide are,
1. isolation or the target group's children in separate schools, and orphanages in general.
2. harmful medical 'treatment' under cover of state clinics.
The things done in Guatemala absolutely qualify as satanic.
"According to Amnesty International, in just four months there were more than 2,000 fully documented extrajudicial killings by the Guatemalan army: 'People of all ages were not only shot, they were burned alive, hacked to death, disembowelled, drowned, beheaded. Small children were smashed against rocks or bayoneted to death.' The Catholic bishops said: 'Never in our national history has it come to such extremes.' US President Ronald Reagan, visiting Guatemala on a swing through Latin America, hailed Rios Montt as 'totally dedicated to democracy'"The Talmud says what it says about killing non-Jews.
And sure enough, who was down there helping out but the Israelis.
The history of Israel's relations with Guatemala roughly parallels that of its ties with El Salvador except the Guatemalan military was so unswervingly bloody that Congress never permitted the ... Reagan Administration to undo the military aid cutoff implemented during the Carter years. Weaponry for the Guatemalan military is the very least of what Israel has delivered. Israel not only provided the technology necessary for a reign of terror, it helped in the organization and commission of the horrors perpetrated by the Guatemalan military and police. And even beyond that: to ensure that the profitable relationship would continue, Israel and its agents worked actively to maintain Israeli influence in Guatemala.
Among the many points made in the article (http://www.akha.org/content/missiondocuments/verbovillagesriosmontt.html):
- Israel began selling Guatemala weapons in 1974 and since then is known to have delivered 17 Arava aircraft.
- Among the other weapons sold by Israel were 10 RBY armored personnel carriers, three Dabur class patrol boats armed with Gabriel missiles, light cannons, machine guns and at least 15,000 Galil assault rifles.
- Guatemalan business leaders reportedly pumped large illegal contributions into the Reagan campaign coffers. Their tentacles reached right into the core of the new administration through the lobbying activities of the Hannaford-Deaver law firm of White House troika member Michael Deaver.
- Congress, however, did not change its attitude about Guatemala, and as late as 1985 remained adamant about denying it military aid. In 1981, Reagan's Secretary of State Alexander Haig "urged Israel to help Guatemala." In July 1985 Israel helped the administration move a shipment of 40 assault rifles with advanced night sights and 1,000 grenade launchers from Israel to Guatemala on a KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines) flight.
- The following year the factory began manufacturing entire Galil rifles under license from Israel.
- The EGP said in 1983 that there were 300 Israeli advisers in Guatemala, working "in the security structures and in the army." Other reports were less specific as to numbers, but suggested that these Israeli advisers, "some official, others private," performed a variety of functions.
- Israeli noncommissioned officers were also said to have been hired by big landowners to train their private security details.
- In 1979, the Guatemalan interior minister paid a "secret and confidential" visit to Israel, where he met with the manufacturers of "sophisticated police equipment." In March of the following year Interior Minister Donaldo Alvarez Ruiz was in Israel to conclude an agreement for police training.
- According to a senior Guatemalan army official, the complex contains "an archive and computer file on journalists, students, leaders, people of the left, politicians, and so on. " This material is combined with current intelligence reports and mulled over during weekly sessions.
- One of the most oppressive features of Guatemala's pacification program is the "civilian self-defense patrols" whose ranks are filled by coercion, with most joining out of fear of being called subversive, and thus marked for torture or execution.
It is no accident that the Guatemalans looked to the Israelis for assistance in organizing their campaign against the Indians, and having followed their mentors' advice, wound up with something that looks quite a bit like the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and the Gaza strip. As the Israelis wrecked the local economy and turned the occupied territories into a captive market and a cheap labor pool, the Guatemalan military has made economic activity in the occupied highlands all but impossible.How does one call it anything but satanic?
As it is openly acknowledged in the Israeli media that the Palestinian population must not be allowed to exceed the Jewish population, it is common knowledge that the Guatemalan military would like to reduce the Mayan population to a minority.
But most of all there is the unyielding violence of the suppression. The occupation regime Israel has maintained since 1967 over the Palestinians (and its occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights, the Egyptian Sinai and Southern Lebanon) has trained "an entire generation of Israelis...to impose Israeli rule over subject peoples." "The Israeli soldier is a model and an example to us," Gen. Benedicto Lucas said in 1981.
Save a silent prayer for everyone in Guatemala because there are huge strato-volcanoes there that are becoming very active.
there was so much more on this covenant house, etc., it is a pail of worms. i could probably do another three or four posts just on the stuff i uncovered along the way. but i don't know if i'll get to it as there's always new craziness each and every day.
anyway, it never fucking fails the same people turn up eventually.
In Northern Mexico you have the San Andreas fault stretching into California where they just had a 7.2 quake. I used to live in Yuma just near there and I used to tell them to get the hell out before it goes.
I have been through some 6.8 quakes myself.
Anyway the medicine men predict when it starts south american indians will begin migrating north to the U.S. to the four corners area.
The Arenal volcano which sits in Costa Rico is also huge and it is only a small strip of land basically. It could open up the Pacific ocean to the Caribbean ocean and change the gulf stream all over the world and it would be hard to predict weather patterns after this.
Just a nudge, Check out some of the things going on in Honduras,same same, again kick over any rock.
As for the volcanism, Mother Earth is a
living, breathing creature and is for the most part quite benign but sometimes she rolls over in her sleep and then interesting things happen. It's no ones fault, it's just the way that it is.
In the Southern Republic Leadership Conference that was held this weekend, the Evangelicals turned out in force, pimping the crowd for their man, Twit Romney.
Romney did not attend, but Ron Paul did.
Romney, thanks to his Evangelical Storm Troopers, won the SRLC straw poll.... but only by one vote.
greg, it's funny you bring up the mormons. that's a post-worthy topic.
Were Donny and Marie really that good or did they know what really went on in Disney after dark, their first big hit song.
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said in a separate statement: "We were shocked by his tragic disappearance. Our heart is with the Polish people."
Doesn't he mean death?
so there's that. the obvious thing is to blame it on putin, continue to demonize russia.
also this business with the fog and the plane crashes: moshe saba, the flight off lebanon, this one... i'm sure there are many more. sounds so very plausible, the stormy foggy weather. who could possible argue?
It does seem like a lot of people get dead in circumstances that can be blamed on Putin. Litvenenko, that journalist etc. etc.
It seems that some such as Jim Corr have been emailing Jane Burgenmeister and questioning if she filed charges. I mean she has put them on her website. I have seen nothing about her so far that lends to any credibility gap. I am taking Corr off my sites.
I could see this scenario. They lost the Ukrainek, K-stan, Thailand and are not about to see Poland go soft on the EU. Kind of adds up doesn't it?
also dubs, you probably saw this about the timing and meaning of the polish crash: