The very latest in mind-fuckery...
Christina Green, a "face of hope," born on 9/11, has been killed. What kind of coincidence is that? (
In Jerusalem, the Shepherd Hotel has been demolished, to make room for apartments for religious Jewish families. Israel is a democracy. (,7340,L-4011609,00.html)
Autism has nothing to do with vaccines or adjuvants. It is caused by having babies too close together... in other words by being too fertile. You see? It's really all your fault. Stop blaming Big Pharma. (
There's a little too much fluoride in the water. Fluoride is so excellent for teeth, really, truly, but too much of a good thing can cause spotting and streaking, and basically corrode teeth, which is bad. They admit it, but they were only trying to help and they will put slightly more stringent standards for fluoride in the water from now on. Don't panic. (
By the way sales for Prozac should go up now that scientists discover it's good for stroke patients. So it's probably good for you too. Maybe you should get some. (
The other day Paraguay extradited a Lebanese "terrorist" to the US. (
Today, we learn how the Iran bone connects to the Hezbollah bone connects to the terrorism bone connects to the al Qaeda bone connects to the West Africa bone connects to the drug bone connects to the South America bone, particularly the Tri-Border Area bone.
Stavridis. Stavridis replaced Craddock in June 2009: Adm. James G. Stavridis became the 15th U.S. European Command (USEUCOM), replacing General John Craddock.
Just weeks earlier Craddock suggested that targeting the drug labs in Afghanistan would be a good idea. Very shortly thereafter it was time for John to retire.
See: let us count the ways
Christina Green, a "face of hope," born on 9/11, has been killed. What kind of coincidence is that? (
In Jerusalem, the Shepherd Hotel has been demolished, to make room for apartments for religious Jewish families. Israel is a democracy. (,7340,L-4011609,00.html)
Autism has nothing to do with vaccines or adjuvants. It is caused by having babies too close together... in other words by being too fertile. You see? It's really all your fault. Stop blaming Big Pharma. (
There's a little too much fluoride in the water. Fluoride is so excellent for teeth, really, truly, but too much of a good thing can cause spotting and streaking, and basically corrode teeth, which is bad. They admit it, but they were only trying to help and they will put slightly more stringent standards for fluoride in the water from now on. Don't panic. (
By the way sales for Prozac should go up now that scientists discover it's good for stroke patients. So it's probably good for you too. Maybe you should get some. (
The news blackout about the Tri-Border Area has ended.
The other day Paraguay extradited a Lebanese "terrorist" to the US. (
Today, we learn how the Iran bone connects to the Hezbollah bone connects to the terrorism bone connects to the al Qaeda bone connects to the West Africa bone connects to the drug bone connects to the South America bone, particularly the Tri-Border Area bone.
Allah's drug pushers: Islam, narcotics and the almighty dollar, by Jim Kouri, the
In 2008, the Bush Administration's chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine General Peter Pace, warned members of the Senate Armed Services Committee that members of radical Islamic groups were active in South America recruiting and training terrorists. Yet, the Democrat-controlled Senate ignored Gen. Pace's warning.Three suspected al-Qaeda associates who were apprehended in West Africa by U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents during an international anti-drug operation, were extradited to New York and appeared in federal court in Manhattan last year, according to reports obtained by the National Association of Chiefs of Police's Terrorism and Narcotics & Dangerous Drugs committees.
While the incident for the most part went unnoticed, the operation confirms the suspicions of terrorism experts that al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups are involved in narcotics trafficking to fund their terror operations.
The suspects -- Oumar Issa, Harouna Toure and Idress Abelrahman -- were charged with conspiracy to commit acts of narco-terrorism and conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization after they allegedly agreed to transport as much as 1,000 kilos of cocaine. Allegedly, the drugs were earmarked for western European countries and the United States.
The cocaine interdiction and arrests occurred along the traffickers' favorite route through West Africa to North Africa that serves as a launch point for export to Europe. The suspects were taken into custody after an intense undercover investigation in which informants and agents posed as Colombian narco-terrorists who claimed they shared hatred for the United States with the African suspects.
According to the NACOP report, Colombian drug kingpins use the same transshipment techniques in Africa that they've successfully used in Latin America. The Colombian traffickers' utilized al-Qaeda's protection services in order to make certain shipments arrived at their destinations.
DEA officials report that in this case they were able to infiltrate the drug operation during the negotiations phase. The undercover DEA agents and informants indicated they were associated with the Colombia terrorist group FARC and could protect the shipment from West Africa to North Africa and ultimately to Spain.
Issa, Toure and Abelrahman claim to be from Mali, but their true nation of origin is still unknown.
Created in 1964, the FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) is structured as a paramilitary organization, with approximately 10,000 armed guerillas organized into seven “blocs,” 68 numbered “Fronts," nine named “Fronts,” and four urban “militias.”
The FARC is dedicated to the violent overthrow of Colombia’s democratically elected government and has been designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. Department of State. The FARC finances its terrorist activities through narcotics trafficking and kidnapping for ransom, including the kidnapping of Americans and other foreign nationals.
During the Bush Administration, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine General Peter Pace warned members of the Senate Armed Services Committee that members of radical Islamic groups were active in South America recruiting and training terrorists. Yet, the Democrat-controlled Senate ignored Gen. Pace's warning.Today, Terrorist-sponsoring nation Iran is increasing its presence in Latin America, and Hezbollah, a terrorist organization it sponsors, is making inroads in drug trafficking in Colombia, according to American Forces Press Service's spokesperson Donna Miles in a press statement to Chief of Police Magazine, a publication of the National Association of Chiefs of Police.
Navy Admiral James G. Stavridis told the House Armed Services Committee that he shares the concerns of Defense Secretary Robert Gates about Iranian activity in Central and South America.Iran has opened six embassies in the region during the past five years and is promoting Islamic activities in the region, according to Miles' report."That is of concern, principally because of the connection between the government of Iran, which is a state sponsor of terrorism, and Hezbollah," Stavridis told Congressman."We see a great deal of Hezbollah activity throughout South America, in particular," he said.Much of that activity takes place in the tri-border area of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, and in the Caribbean, an area previously pinpointed by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Peter Pace (USMC-Ret) in a similar congressional hearing.Stavridis noted in his written statement that the Pentagon supported a Drug Enforcement Administration operation in the tri-border area last August that targeted a Hezbollah-connected drug trafficking organization.
Two months later, officials from the US Southern Command supported another interagency operation in which several dozen people were arrested in Colombia for their ties to a Hezbollah-connected drug trafficking and money laundering ring.
Jim Kouri, CPP is currently fifth vice-president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and he's a columnist for The Examiner ( and New Media Alliance ( In addition, he's a blogger for the Cheyenne, Wyoming Fox News Radio affiliate KGAB ( Kouri also serves as political advisor for Emmy and Golden Globe winning actor Michael Moriarty. He's former chief at a New York City housing project in Washington Heights nicknamed "Crack City" by reporters covering the drug war in the 1980s. In addition, he served as director of public safety at a New Jersey university and director of security for several major organizations. He's also served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. Kouri writes for many police and security magazines including Chief of Police, Police Times, The Narc Officer and others. He's a news writer and columnist for AmericanDaily.Com, MensNewsDaily.Com, MichNews.Com, and he's syndicated by AXcessNews.Com. Kouri appears regularly as on-air commentator for over 100 TV and radio news and talk shows including Fox News Channel, Oprah, McLaughlin Report, CNN Headline News, MTV, etc.
Jim Kouri
Stavridis. Stavridis replaced Craddock in June 2009: Adm. James G. Stavridis became the 15th U.S. European Command (USEUCOM), replacing General John Craddock.
Just weeks earlier Craddock suggested that targeting the drug labs in Afghanistan would be a good idea. Very shortly thereafter it was time for John to retire.
See: let us count the ways
In January 2009, Donna Miles wrote about General James Stavridis, Commander of the US Southern Command at the time, and Honduras. (
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, Jan. 30, 2009 – The commander of U.S. Southern Command arrived here yesterday to reaffirm the United States’ strategic partnership with Honduras and praise the solid bilateral and interagency cooperation that is delivering tangible success. Navy Adm. James G. Stavridis met with President Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales, Defense Minister Aristides Mejia Carranza and Defense Chief Maj. Gen. Romeo Orlando Vasquez Velasquez to discuss security challenges of mutual concern: primarily illicit drug, arms and human trafficking.
...He thanked Honduran leaders for their support for Joint Task Force Bravo, Southcom’s only permanently deployed U.S. forces in the region, which has operated in Honduras since 1983.
Based at Soto Cano Air Base, Joint Task Force Bravo stands as Southcom’s “911 force,” prepared to respond to natural disasters such as severe flooding and landslides that ravaged much of Costa Rica and Panama in late November and early December. In addition to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, the task force supports counternarcotics and other missions in the region.
"Navy Adm. James G. Stavridis, commander of U.S. Southern Command, center, meets with members of U.S. Military Group Honduras during his visit to Tegucigalpa, Jan. 29, 2009. DoD photo by Donna Miles"

Watch the narrative develop. Watch how the terrorist threat moves to the US, and watch how it becomes linked to Hezbollah and Iran in the corporate media, for the benefit of certain Americans.
"They'll have to Face to face, each classic case.
We shadow box and double cross,
Yet need the chase.
A license to subvert, insurance to hold.
Melts all your memories and change into gold.
His eyes are like angels but his heart is cold.
No need to ask.
He's a psy-operator,
Coast to coast, LA to Chicago, western male.
Across the north and south, to Key Largo, drugs for sale."
- Aangirfan
Saladin, thanks for the link!
You can about take your pick on the bird problem! University of Wisconsin says blunt force trauma, bad eye sight, can't tell up from down. I wonder if those fish have bad eyes too. Maybe they are running into dock pilings or something.
Experts Suspect Military Testing Behind Mass Bird and Fish Deaths
2 million fish found dead in Maryland ..... A Watchman's Report
Wisconsin lab says it solved blackbird die-off
8,000 doves fall dead in Italy, strange blue stain on beaks suggests lack of oxygen
Dead Birds, Bees & Fish Explained By EPA Document?
Are government and main stream media placating and lying to public over mass fish and bird kill?
Bird deaths caused by magnetic field imbalance: What does catastrophic magnetic pole shift mean for humans?
God's eye, Planet X, or dimensional portal: strange sun pictures may solve the mass bird and fish die off
Biblical or cyclical die off?
Pole shift or Scalar Warfare: Something is interfering with bird and fish ability to tell up from down--Is it natural or man-made?
Body of Wife of Senior White House Official Found in Burning Ca
Car was in a Capitol Hill garage. DC, Capitol police on the scene.
Deceased identified as Ashley Turton, wife of White House liaison to the House of Representatives Dan Turton.
Turton worked as a lobbyist for the Raleigh, N.C.-based utility giant Progress Energy.
She was the former chief of staff to Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)
Timothy McVeigh lawyer Judy Clarke, who represented "Unabomber" Ted Kaczynski and assisted in the case of confessed al-Qaeda operative Zacarias Moussaoui, has been appointed to represent Jared Lee Loughner, the man charged by federal authorities with two murders as well as the attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and two others.
I pronounce him guilty as charged.
Who knew?
Not a family that lives near me, with their ONE autistic child.
Their one and only autistic child.
Oh and wait, besides them and their daughter, their is another lone child who is autistic.
What are the odds, two single children, from two different families?
Perhaps they have invisible children?
Yes, that must be it. Perhaps AP it is too many invisible children?
Because you can have unlimited invisible children and then when you have one real child because you have so many kids, that one real child will be autistic.
Sure, that makes about as much sense as the claim of closely spaced children being the cause of autism.
Thinking back, historically speaking, when families had all kinds of kids one after the other to work the come there wasn't an autism epidemic?
Why is it now, when people have less children?
it is completely ridiculous.