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the options narrow

One favorite way TPTB manipulate us is by arranging events so that the options narrow inexorably until we have "no choice" but to do the thing they wanted to do in the first place.

From the beginning of this Gulf disaster, the nuclear option has been kicking around in the background. It is now coming to the foreground, as predicted.

Why? Because the accident was allowed to happen due to insufficient oversight and corruption, if not being an act of terrorism / sabotage. Because after the accident happened the situation festered while our government refused to take control. Because inexplicably, viable solutions were not used to divert, capture and clean up the oil. Because our corporate media looked the other way for at least three weeks.

We have a disaster of biblical proportions. But let's not lose sight that it could have been avoided or mitigated all along the way.

And now we hear from Matt Simmons that this whole BP operation has been a massive effort at the wrong leak. An epic, unforgivable mistake to compound the disaster of biblical proportions? Why not. Would that be enough to plunge everyone into despair?

Actually he said this on MSNBC (video). Which means it's not a secret.

Simmons believes that when the Deepwater Horizon exploded, "the riser blew off the wellhead and it’s still hooked to the rig,” about 7 miles away.

Therefore, even if BP claims that the “top kill” is successful, it still may not stop the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

Chairman of Wow Energy Solutions, Nicholas Possi agrees with Simmons - BP has not only missed the main target, they may have actually “made it worse.”

Possi said BP has wasted a lot of time and that the only way to stop the leaks is to detonate a bomb in a location that would seal the well. At this point, he added, “This is a military operation.” (wrong leak)

Matt Simmons, Peak Oil expert? Yes.

I trust Dave McGowan. He's my kind of expert. This is what Dave McGowan said about Peak Oil back in October 2004:

The people that the 'Peak Oil' pitchmen are fronting for are deadly serious about selling 'Peak Oil' to the masses -- and not just in theoretical terms, as a cynical ploy to raise prices and increase profits. No, it has become clear that the real goal is to actually cut off most of the world's oil supplies under the ruse that the oil simply no longer exists. The desired result is massive social unrest, widespread famine, and endless war. The majority of the world's people will not survive. Those that do will find themselves living under the overtly authoritarian form of rule that will quickly be deemed necessary to restore order. And if you think that we here in America are exempt, you are sadly mistaken.

In order to pull off this stunt, all the world's major oil producing regions must be solidly under the control of the U.S. and it's co-conspirators, otherwise known as 'allies.' In other words, the puppet-masters have to control all the major oil taps, so that they have complete control over the flow of oil -- or lack of it. And that, in a nutshell, is the real reason for America's recent military ventures. The goal, you see, is not to steal Iraq's oil, or the oil in the 'Stans, or in the Sudan, or in Venezuela, or anywhere else. We don't want to take their oil, because the truth is that we don't really need it ( What we want to do is sit on the taps so no one else can get to the oil.

The goal of Peak Oil (ie: oil is scarce) is actually to jam up and control oil, to make it scarce when actually, it is not scarce. More from Dave:

Contrary to conventional wisdom, I believe that the Central Asian adventure has been wildly successful. True, the West hasn't reaped the bounty of the region's oil and gas reserves -- but I don't think that was ever the goal. To the contrary, I think the U.S. has done exactly what it set out to do: deny anyone else the opportunity - by force if necessary, and it will become necessary - to exploit the area's resources.

Also contrary to conventional wisdom, I believe that the Iraq adventure has also been successful. Again, the goal was not to steal Iraqi oil; the goal was to shut down or severely limit the flow of Iraqi oil, and that goal has obviously been accomplished. Indeed, some reports have held that American troops (and American mercenaries) are responsible for at least some of the pipeline bombings and other attacks on the Iraqi oil infrastructure.
And the outcome of this Gulf disaster fits nicely into that pattern. It justifies control, but not control by the American people (or any sovereign people who have oil under their land), but control by TPTB.

So the oil is not scarce. No problem. The oil can still be controlled. They will just approach the problem from the opposite direction. The problem is not that oil is scarce, actually, but that it threatens to come out of the ground for 9000 days like a volcano, according to Matt Simmons. Who knew?

April 1999: Wall Street Journal: 
HOUSTON -- Something mysterious is going on at Eugene Island 330.

Production at the oil field, deep in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana, was supposed to have declined years ago. And for a while, it behaved like any normal field: Following its 1973 discovery, Eugene Island 330's output peaked at about 15,000 barrels a day. By 1989, production had slowed to about 4,000 barrels a day.

Then suddenly -- some say almost inexplicably -- Eugene Island's fortunes reversed. The field, operated by PennzEnergy Co., is now producing 13,000 barrels a day, and probable reserves have rocketed to more than 400 million barrels from 60 million. Stranger still, scientists studying the field say the crude coming out of the pipe is of a geological age quite different from the oil that gushed 10 years ago.
All of which has led some scientists to a radical theory: Eugene Island is rapidly refilling itself, perhaps from some continuous source miles below the Earth's surface. That, they say, raises the tantalizing possibility that oil may not be the limited resource it is assumed to be.

And here:

The deep-seated oil source at Eugene Island strongly supports T. Gold's theory about The Deep Hot Biosphere. Gold holds:
"that oil is actually a renewable, primordial syrup continually manufactured by the earth under ultrahot conditions and tremendous pressures. As this substance migrates toward the surface, it is attacked by bacteria, making it appear to have an organic origin dating back to the dinosaurs."

So, a quick recap of this lesson:

Problem: Oil is scarce? Solution: TPTB must control it.

Problem: Oil is plentiful? Solution: TPTB must control it.

You see, no matter what happens it's Win Win Win for TPTB!


Remember, it's all about control. They have to control us through emotional and mental manipulation.

I think it's clear that if the "top kill" at "ground zero" fails, and that's not even really "ground zero," then yes indeed we have just seen five weeks wasted during which time incalculable environment damage occurred. So just think about that now, if that should be the unbelievable sucker punch coming this Memorial Day weekend. Outrageous. Like those stories of doctors amputating the wrong limb, only a gazillion times worse.

That will immediately push people over the edge. The choices will narrow spectacularly. It will come down to the nuclear option plus Tony Hayward's head on a plate versus.... nothing. Nothing else will satisfy if we learn that the feds just let BP waste five weeks working on the wrong leak. So brace yourself.

But we have to ask ourselves, would TPTB ever want to explode a nuclear weapon in such a way that it remade the image of nuclear technology, in a way that made nuclear weapons or at least nuclear technology, you know... good?

Bad is good, black is white, war is peace, etc....

Is this what they're after? Is it possible that events have been purposely mismanaged to narrow the options until we have no choice but to use the nuclear option, because actually that's what they always wanted to do in the first place, but they just couldn't justify it? Until we demanded it? provides free information on crude oil. According to them:

  • public opinion has rallied in favor of the nuclear explosion (EVIDENCE FOR THAT???? - ed.)
  • there's hope at the end of the tunnel
  • Obama sent a team of nuclear experts to contain the spill
  • Steven Chu is heading up that effort
  • the five member team will work with BP
  • it's been done before and there's really hardly anything to worry about
  • anyway WHAT CHOICE do we have?
This appears to be an oil industry position.

Here are some short bios of the special nuclear team, headed up by Steven Chu.

And here is some history of the Russians using this technology in the past, though of course, no one has ever breathed a word about it until now.

Let's go back a few months.....December 2009:

US Energy Secretary's (Steven Chu) remarks on nuclear power aimed to end perception that Obama is anti-nuke

Chu’s remarks have offered some of the clearest insight yet into how the Obama administration intends to approach nuclear power – something that has remained a shadowy topic, even after Obama revealed his budget two weeks ago.

His words could also help define the energy policies of other countries, as the worldwide nuclear industry lobby continues to promulgate, with apparent success, that nuclear energy is an integral carbon free way to produce energy amid a global climate crisisa point of view that Bellona has repudiated.

"Nuclear is going to be part of our energy future. It has to be," Chu told members of the Senate Budget Committee at a hearing in which a half dozen senators, Republicans and Democrats, raised concerns about the administration's support for nuclear power, according to transcripts of the meeting.
Also see September 2008: Buffet will decide if nuclear has a future.

Evidently the answer is Yes.

Wasn't it Rahm who said we can't let a good crisis go to waste? I think it was.

Anyway, in case you were worried about New Jersey, officials there have created a special "gulf spill team" to make sure that none of that nasty oil fouls the New Jersey shore. I bet they will have "fucking proper fucking booming" set up and everything.

After all, we have our priorities.


Anonymous said…
I look at the future in terms of a two year window.
Anonymous said…
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chuckyman said…
I’m going to blow my own trumpet A.P. I had a go at the peak oil issue a while ago and the outcome is that “rock oil” is as much a part of the planet’s carbon cycle as any other. See below

I read recently that it takes 10 calories or hydrocarbon for every calorie of food produced. Turn off the spigots and we starve. I also read the recent Alto report from Cliff High and a lot of what it says is unfurling in parallel to what you say A.P

The Brits (of which I am NOT one) got their collective underwear recently in a twist and pissed off the Argentineans again. This was caused by the Brits recent drilling of an oil field they have known about for decades. Coupled with the fact they they are now building large aircraft carriers (their last one was taken out of service in the ‘60s) makes me wonder that Thatcher’s war back in 1982 was for bigger stakes than the rights of penguins and 30 sheep farmers.
There are massive tectonic changes taking place worldwide and this is NOT unexpected buy the TPTB. The sea floor is actually rising in the Caribbean. George Ure has followed this one closely for some time. DM has posted on other sea rigs encountering large overpressures from deep wells – the North Sea for example. The PTB already know that this would occur. Hence the desire to possess those wells they can control.

We are reaching a moment of planetary change in all senses. The PTB have but a short window in time to complete their plans – 18-24 months. Crossing the nuclear threshold is vital to their plans. Fear is their favoured tool for crowd control. Check the link from Incoming!! below.

As always you are spot on. The old Hegelian Dialectic – problem, reaction, solution. We really need to figure out what their endgame is. The solution is to control the herd after what comes next. Money is not their goal. It is to rule immortal after the next great flood.

My ranting on Peak Oil

Welcome to Orwell’s Animal Farm. I got this from Incoming!!

Cliff High’s Alto report AKA Sign Of The Times – costs $10 (20 cigarettes where I come from)

Land’s rising
Anonymous said…
Peasant Chucky is my partner in crime.

I am experiencing the benzene storm coming off the gulf now, a heavy duty rain.
james said…
Stunning post, AP.
chuckyman said…
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Anonymous said…
Get some sleep Chucky....I'll take it from here!
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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A. Peasant said…
wow, amazing stuff guys. the implications of oil being abiotic and self-renewing, and this being known presumably by all world leaders, is hard to express. how cynical are they, to go on with all this death and destruction, knowing that it's not necessary? i mean it's orders of magnitude more despicable than it already is under the original paradigm, that oil is scarce. evil beyond imagining.

so dubs i had seen that rixon article before, and i was thinking at the time that neel kashkari meets the criteria.
Anonymous said…
If not the first time post it again.

Peasant I have had so much trouble with computers lately, all four of them.

I am back on line now and may I say you are such an honest soul, that is why I hang out here. Really my computers go down for an hour or two at the time. I am really beginning to wonder when it may become more troublesome.

There will come a time however when we cannot communicate on line but will have to rely on our hearts.

Until that time comes however you crazy Irish woman I and most of us reading here adore you. are on the right side girl

More a rense article mentioned a female in Tampa saying rain on her windshield left a petro residue. What does that tell you?

My love to all that are about to experience spirit.
Anonymous said…
By the way Mary Sparrowdancer a rense contributor just unsubscribed to my mailing list.

I am going to miss you Mary!
A. Peasant said…
dubs, you are very kind and thank you. i appreciate your diligence and generosity and support. xo. i won't get sappy or anything but i always hope for the best because i know that the good people way outnumber the bad ones, and we just have to keep going and not succumb to the death cult and all their death cult nasty tricks and surprises, always wanting us to give up on life. um, NO.
Anonymous said…
I know angel but when petroleum is raining on you it is real!
A. Peasant said…
yes, i'm sorry dubs. i think it's overwhelming to be honest, and i am far away.

sometimes i can't bear to watch things, like what bho has up now. i couldn't sign into youtube to see and i was glad.
Dave said…
Great relevant article AP.
I've read that if you took the trillion plus barrels
of oil produced since 1859 it would not fill all of
Lake Tahoe in Nevada ! Given the size of our planet,
no way the oil has been depleted.
As Adam Weishaupt reportedly said: "Oh mortal man,
is there anything you cannot be made to believe ?"

A. Peasant said…
ha, evidently not.

we need some good graphics about the real oil situation. did you see anything like that? pie charts or anything showing it? cause i noticed on teevee the other day when they were talking about the spill, it was probably CNN, they said all the oil spilled in the Gulf was a tiny percentage of the oil we use in the US in one day. course the message was we use so much oil... YOU people can't even believe how much oil YOU use it's YOUR fault for using all this oil, this is just a drop in the bucket...etc.

so this is a matter of scale and somehow getting the scale properly calibrated in people's mind, and for that we need some good visuals like

- how much oil has been used since the beginning
- how much oil we use per day
- how much oil is available if it is abiotic and regenerates

and the conclusion would be: why are we fighting about this again?

there's nothing to fight about. there's plenty of oil. but the fiat currency is based on the oil being scarce, so to control the people you control the currency. to control the currency you control the oil. to control the oil they have to have a scam going, because it's not scarce.

if the oil is plentiful the fiat money game is over. i think this must be driving the gold standard push as the next alternative that they can also control, when this oil scam ends. when the currency of each country should in fact be based on the productive capacity of labor and natural resources, which are abundant and belong to the people of the country, and not on gold or oil which gets stolen into private hands and control.

like described here:
chuckyman said…
Sorry DM. My post from 4:31pm wasn’t as funny as I thought when I read it this morning
bholanath said…
Any of the theories and scenarios may be truth or lies - 'peak oil', infinite tons of oil, apparent replenishment, NWO control trips, nuclear agendas, whatever...but, "the Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth". If we don't grow up, get real, evolve and become creatively empowered in this transition time, we're screwed. We don't really know what the role of oil is in the planet's maintenance of systemic integrity, now do we?
Anonymous said…
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A. Peasant said…
bho, no, we don't know the role of oil in that sense, this is true. however we know how they are using it to be the backing for their fiat money system. we know they need to maintain control over it, and probably the reason for attacking iran is not to bomb the non-existent nuclear facilities, but to bomb the oil infrastructure.

it's true that we need to evolve our approach, and i don't mean to suggest we can just keep going on the same way because oil is plentiful. but we are collectively on the back foot because of this entrenched belief in scarcity, which is a lie from the evil one that drives and justifies the selfish behavior. so it is used to manipulate us.

james describes the link between oil and currency here:

I believe the proposed new currency will be backed by oil. The international bankers behind the BIS will not need to own the oil (though they own quite a lot through their oil companies). All they need is for the oil to be sold, and only sold, in exchange for their new currency. This will ensure an instant and massive demand for this currency. This sleight of hand requires the control of or agreement from the world's oil supplier countries. We already have a similar system in place in the world....What is needed really is complete control of Iran. This same scenario applies to Russia as well. The oil fields need to be under the international bankers control before the OWC can be introduced. Time is running out. This juggernaut has been put in motion and they cannot afford to stop it in mid stride for fear the whole plot, hatched over decades (if not longer), will collapse.

i suppose my mind is just spinning through the calculations of what they are doing based on the assumption that oil is *not* scarce, contrary to what they've been telling the world for X many years, and i'm seeing that it makes lots of things come into focus. so i am thinking that realization going widespread would stop their momentum dead cold.

because first we need to stop their momentum, which is their control over the herd attention space (as Incoming calls it), which is based on fear and scarcity. it's always 'not enough.' not enough oil, not enough money, not enough food, not enough security, etc. first that going backward thinking has to stop. then we can move in the other direction, forward, to your point.
A. Peasant said…
dubs, that is pretty scary.
bholanath said…
Yessiree, AP. Beautifully put.
That "not enough"-scam is the universal perennial control mechanism/meme, and programmed from infancy. It's probably what the 'nobles' always told the serfs too!
bholanath said…
Oh shit! -

also this long analysis piece -
A. Peasant said…
oh bho, this is a nightmare.
Anonymous said…
Peasant Bo left the mother of all links there. You know sometimes it is not fun being right and I said from day one this is the story. Old grand father doesn't sound so crazy now talking about his red sky prophecy. You can always count on the Apaches.

Chinese saying about living in interesting times looms larger and larger. It is getting a little too interesting for me. I have a friend who emails me and he is pretty stoic about it all. He says rock on mother earth and take us all out so you can have a rest.

"Man is compared to the forces of nature. If the well does cut loose? we are talking thousands and thousands of square miles of toxic crud....I'm not even sure the well drilling rigs would even be able to operate in the area...a massive rush of gas can sink ships...the gas is not breathable and it's Explosive too...One thunder storm comes by and a lightning strike?....BOOM...I'm sure the men working there realize they are probably in one the most hazardous work zones they have ever been in...I don't think it's an ELE or something of that order, but we don't need to be wiped out to be stuck enjoying a giant bowl of SUCK...for a very long time.."
Anonymous said…
Just got back from Publix supermarket. It was a surreal feeling. It is kind of like finding yourself in one of those old scifi horror flicks. You know kind of like the blob.

It is out there, growing, getting bigger threatening to take over everything but the locals don't know it yet. Any of them that have heard anything about it just shrug and say too bad about all those fisherman over in the bayou.

That movie dead man walking comes to mind also.
Anonymous said…
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chuckyman said…
Great link Bholanath and your earlier point was spot on also. Sobering stuff when we consider the options are narrowing as time ticks away.
Oil may have many uses for us apes but what are the geological consequences of removing it from the subterranean levels.
Anonymous said…
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bholanath said…
From Uttarakanda chapter of Ramayana (Tulsidas' Ramcharitamanasa):

"Throughout all Ramachandra's realm a rod was never seen save in the hands of ascetics; the word 'difference' had ceased to exist except in relation to tune and measure in the dancers' toupes; and the word 'conquer' was heard only with reference to the mind (for the only victory known was self-conquest)."

That was in the SAT YUGA. (It was called 'civilization'.) Wonder if they whined about how THEY NEED THEIR FUCKING OIL FOR THEIR PRECIOUS LIFESTYLES. In any case, unfortunately things DID eventually go down hill after that. :(

Anonymous said…
Corexit seems a great name for that little product. The core of life exits!
Anonymous said…
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A. Peasant said…
hmm. well i read the alta report. don't know what to say at the moment.
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Anonymous said…
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james said…
I read the article at this link provided above and I have to say I believe it is disinformation.

It reads like it is written by a BP apolgist. It is full of fear, tech talk and impossible problems. No where is there any mention of the safety measures that BP did not have nor any mention of the fact that everything BP has done and not done has made the situation worse. So we're beyond coincidence and into deliberate territory. So therefore anything BP proposes we don't want. And this article focuses exclusively on things that BP is proposing.

The article is designed to focus people's attention on his short list of possible fixes all of which BP is doing (supposedly) or contemplating. No mention of solutions proposed by anyone else. In other words, leave it to BP is the unwritten message.

And it all seems to prime the reader for this conclusion (my emphasis)-

That's it's all we got and the situation is dire....aside from the extreme possibles like exploding a massive charge to crush the thing closed...and THAT IS being discussed...if it takes an atomic bomb to do it?...we may very well face a situation THAT desperate....this thing is an almost unimaginably powerful monster that we have just stabbed with a knife and spit in the face of.... and it's in a very weak cage, it doesn't sleep, it doesn't need to eat and it only gets stronger and more fierce as time goes's going berserk and it's wrecking it's cage, tearing at it, screaming, bolts starting to pop loose and it's not going stop smashing and bashing anytime soon...oh and btw someone just handcuffed you to the bars and you cannot get away now.

Fear, fear, so you'd better hope we can nuke this sucker! Yeah right!
A. Peasant said…
James, i agree, i've heard that "voice" before. he only gives initials because i went back after reading it and thought who is this?

we absolutely cannot make important decisions based on anonymous suggestions. everyone needs to be fucking vetted by the public and for the public interest.
Anonymous said…
TPTB? I cant imagine what this is?
Anonymous said…
Sorry, I ask too soon. The powers that be
A. Peasant said…
that's correct. no problem. probably i should have spelled it out but i'm glad you figured it out anyway.
bholanath said…
I'm a bit sorry for that link. I had the same thoughts after reading and searching for the source. Came up with nothing. I still refuse to live in fear. I still refuse to surrender faith in the infinite possibilities for awake humanity "changing the dream".
Anonymous said…
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A. Peasant said…
bho, no need to apologize! it's a data point and we don't know where we are unless we look at the data points and in fact, i'm glad that i wasn't the only one to go hmmm. so it's all good as far as i'm concerned. and for my part, i also refuse to give up and live in fear. i read the alta report and it was dismal, and that didn't surprise me. but there's something to be said for facing these doom and gloom scenarios and not dissolving into a useless puddle, so we can make use of them as emotional tests, and data points, and as examples for message analysis.

shorter: take it from where it comes.
Anonymous said…
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A. Peasant said…
dubs, as i understand it the feds asked BP not to use it and BP said it's the best option. and that was that.

they follow the 'who cares what you think' school of GWB.
Anonymous said…
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A. Peasant said…
yes but dated 5/24. they are still using them i think.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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chuckyman said…
Sorry A.P
This is completely off topic but it look like the Gaza Flotilla situation is hotting up. They have had a number of setbacks in the last day or so and now some of the boats have had contact from the IDH. I’m following the updates on
chuckyman said…
So the start of preparing the herd begins. I am dubious as to who this guy Simmons is. What is an energy investment bank? I remember in one of the many videos we have shared these past few days that it was he who mentioned additional oil plumes. They are really cranking up the fear. Quick - big brother must do something!!!!!!
bholanath said…
The magogkinazis rule the world! The flotilla will be dead in the water, the effort will be buried by s&msm beneath 'experts' whipping up consensus on nuking the Gulf.
Ya basta! to all of them. No fear!
Anonymous said…
"Additionally, two of the dispersants on the list “were found to be 100 percent effective on Gulf of Mexico crude, while the two Corexit products rated 56 percent and 63 percent effective.”
Anonymous said…
““.. the same can certainly hold true for the executives of one of Chicago’s corporate headquarters — that of BPamerica’s ProductionOps.”
Anonymous said…
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Dave said…
From over at the TechnoFascismBlog

"Detonating nuclear bomb at BP oil spill site could end all life on planet
Lately, I’ve heard many talking heads in the news media suggesting that the only way to stop the BP oil leak might be to detonate a nuclear bomb under the leak site.

Before they consider that option, they might want to watch this video of Dr. Gregory Ryskin, Professor of Chemical Engineering at Northwestern University. In the video, Dr. Ryskin explains how a prehistoric methane gas explosion could explain the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event, a mysterious period in Earth history where 95% of all species went extinct.

Given that the amount of methane gas that is leaking from the BP spill site is at least equal to the amount of oil, it would lead one to believe that there is a huge underground pocket of methane gas buried there. Now, if Dr. Ryskin’s theory is correct, not only would detonating a nuclear bomb near that underground methane pocket end the oil spill, it might end all life on Earth as well."

We're from the gummint and we're here to help. Runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!

A. Peasant said…
you know they have a word for when they cause catastrophes, they just say they Regret.