What to make of the pope resigning? First some background and review. In the post gorilla vs king kong , we noted that in August 2010, Alfred Lambremont Webre, a globalist, gave an interview to Press TV in which he linked the Catholic Church to Satanic Ritual Abuse. "Suppose Cardinal Ratzinger, the current pope, was actually running a sexual abuse ring for “satanic worshipers” using Satanism and using sexual abuse. They were actually encouraging sexual abuse by priests on children around the world as part of a “Satanic Ritual.” That's what this looks like to me as a lawyer, as a war crimes lawyer." ~ Webre We noted that Webre is deeply linked to the alien agenda . He advises the Exopolitics Institute, and is the congressional coordinator for the Disclosure Project. The alien agenda could come into play with the destruction of the church, the loss of faith for perhaps billions of people, and the spiritual vacuum that would be created under those circumstances