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Showing posts from June, 2010

run along and play now

1) Review Who is Al Qaeda? "When video was released showing the two top Al Qaeda spokesmen, taking the place of Osama bin Laden, were American born Jews, the news was quickly removed from the press." A created enemy to prolong a war, which provides cover for insanely profitable drug trafficking among other things, and which directs Americans to hate Muslims. In the past year the war appears to move to the Western Hemisphere via West African and South American drug trafficking routes. (Reuters 1/4/10) Colombia rebels, al Qaeda in "unholy" drug alliance Colombian guerrillas have entered into "an unholy alliance" with Islamic extremists who are helping the Marxist rebels smuggle cocaine through Africa on its way to European consumers, a U.S. official told Reuters. Interdiction efforts have made it more difficult to send cocaine straight from Colombia and other Andean producer nations to the United States and Europe. So criminal organization

the race to the bottom of the barrel

The entire panel appointed by the Catholic Church to investigate clerical sex abuse cases in Belgium has resigned en masse because they have no more files to work from. Police confiscated their files. The panel, made up of clergymen and chaired by a top Belgian child abuse expert, Peter Adriaenssens, was set up to allow confidential reporting of abuses, even in cases that have fallen outside of the statute of limitations and would no longer be punishable by the law. But late last week, magistrates conducting parallel investigations ordered police to raid the committee's offices, in which computers were seized along with documentation. The panel met Monday and decided to hand in their resignations, effective from Thursday, according to the reports. "It is a very regrettable affair for the church but most of all for the victims," Eric De Beukelaer, spokesman for the head of Belgium's Catholic Church, Cardinal Andre-Joseph Leonard, told the Belga news agen

justifying Corexit - updated

We can't trust anything we're told by the experts, especially when they make such a huge effort to control access to evidence. There's always the possibility that we've got a giant mindfuck going on here. You might have seen this theory going around, Kenny's Sideshow had it posted the other day for instance. It's the theory that this spill is a manufactured event designed to pollute the environment with Corexit, in order to cause a population die-off of "undesirables" around the Gulf, on the coasts of Texas, Louisiana and Florida. Again, this is someone's theory, and it's making the rounds and to my mind it's very plausible. Also, explained to me, is the large amount of useless eaters, pond scum, or undesirables living along the gulf coast. These would be the Americans living off of the government. I will not beat around the bush with pleasantries, or politically correct statements here. This coastal area from Texas to Flor

let's see what zero tolerance really means

A raid today in Belgium: Police raided Belgium's Catholic Church HQ on Thursday and seized computer files at the home of its top cardinal over the last 20 years amid fresh accusations of child sex abuse by priests. ...came as the Vatican's ambassador to Belgium attended a meeting with bishops... ...the action, involving about 30 officers and investigators, followed a string of accusations "denouncing abuse of minors committed by a certain number of Church figures." Armed police with dogs sealed off the palace of the archbishop of Mechelen... A spokesman for the man who led Belgium's Catholic Church for two decades until the turn of the year, Godfried Danneels, said police confiscated a computer from the archbishop's home before he was escorted to the archdiocese. Godfried Danneels (source) Some 450 submissions to a special independent commission set up in eastern Louvain to examine complaints received of child abuse in the past

the social engineers

How long has the CIA been conducting social engineering experiments? A long time. One of the first social engineering laboratories, with what me might consider "modern" techniques, was the Philippines. Aangirfan has a post up collecting some examples of social engineering, including the following video explanation. The video tells us that 1) social engineering is simply the clever manipulation of the natural human tendency to trust; and 2) a hidden agenda of war is to break up societies and their clans. One way to manipulate the natural human tendency to trust is by breaking down trust. You break down trust by breaking down society. You break down society by breaking down the family. You break down the family by making it difficult for the family to survive. There are many ways to do this. You might start a war and make them refugees. You might make it difficult for the family to survive by increasing economic pressures, crime, drugs, etc. You might get people all h

one for all and all for one

Obama made a speech. First thing you notice is that we're in a war, a multi-front war. Al Qaeda and the number eleven are involved, again. And Dr. Steven Chu has a Nobel Prize. And it's more like an epidemic actually, and we have a battle plan to deal with the assault. THE PRESIDENT:  Good evening.  ... taking the fight to al Qaeda .... the battle we’re waging against an oil spill that is assaulting our shores and our citizens. ...  Eleven ... Dr. Steven Chu .... more like an epidemic , one that we will be fighting for months and even years. ... We will fight this spill with everything we’ve got for as long as it takes.   ... what our battle plan is going forward: ... The stage is set. WAR. War requires SACRIFICES. [Big snip where the promises go about making BP pay for everything and how everything will be made pristine somehow, no details yet....] As for assigning blame, please first note that Obama was misled. Someone assured him this limited offshore