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Is that a ray of hope?

Les Vis - generally not the guy you read when you want to be cheered up - actually just cheered me up. Go figure. He’s got some kind of ember going over there, and the thing to do is breathe on it gently now, and focus.

It is not by accident that various political figures from Italy, Germany and Japan have named the culprits in 9/11 and other affairs. It is not by accident that the UN is considering an investigation into 9/11 as former Italian President Francesco Cossiga has stated, “All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe…know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.”

As Leonard Cohen said, “Everybody knows.” It doesn’t get talked about on your televisions. It doesn’t get mentioned in your newspapers but it is being discussed in offices and wherever political and financial movers and shakers congregate. Behind the scenes, those who have had enough, those who see what is planned… the coming false flags… the major devastation… the financial unrest, calculated to cause confusions and chaos. Wiser heads and concerned minds are considering what they can do and so they are beginning to speak out and to orchestrate the dissemination of information in such a way that they might retard and hinder what the psychopaths have planned.

Major efforts are underway behind the scenes and you will see evidence of this in the time to come. We are watching the death pangs of the evil of a passing age. We are witness to the last gasp of the last generation of Piscean slave herders. Beneath all of this darkness is a new world being born and you are living in the midst of the transformation.

Hard things must happen because hard things must be broken. Do not despair, no matter what you see or hear. These are just appearances. The battle has already been won and we are living in the echo of their defeat though it seems to be still going on. It’s all over but the shouting.

You can take heart and take heart you should. It’s all coming out and despite all of the difficult problems that seem to beset us, it is all working out. Why I am certain I cannot tell you but I am certain. This has been long coming and it is a spectacle indeed. Your chief concern is to conduct yourself as a human being and do what you can where you are and when you are needed.

Thank God.

Update: More hope over here.
