Here's more from Joe Cannon, in which he links the practice directly into the Israeli government.
The American media's coverage has led the public to believe that Rosenbaum's kidney trafficking was purely a matter of private enrichment. But a former Israeli officer has said under oath that the Israeli government runs this ring, and that the master of the ring -- "Ilan" is obviously Ilan Peri -- functions as an agent of that government.And how could that be? Very simple. It's called Jewish Racism. Let Brother Nathanael explain it to you because he was born and raised Jewish.
This article is excerpted from comments at the first link, and you can find many other articles cited as well:
Israeli Occupation Authorities Illegally Harvesting Organs of Palestinian Childrenby Saira Soufan
“Rabbi Ginsburgh asked rhetorically: ‘If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value’, he explained. ‘There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life’.”
(Prof. Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky, “Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel”, Pluto Press, London 1999, page 62)
The latest face of Israeli terrorism was revealed during a live interview with Palestinian President Yasser Arafat by Al Jazeera Television.
President Arafat has accused the Zionist apartheid regime of murdering Palestinian infants, children, and youths and extricating their vital organs for transplants.
“They murder our kids and use their organs as spare parts` Why is the whole world silent? Israel takes advantage of this silence to escalate it’s oppression and terror against our people,” stressed President Arafat.
So Yasser Arafat has been dead (murdered) now since November 2004, and documentation of this problem extends back into the 1990s.
Is the world still going to be silent about these disgusting racist rabbis and doctors and whoever else helps them STEALING PEOPLE'S ORGANS FOR PROFIT AND MUTILATING BODIES because people are afraid to be called "anti-semitic?" Jesus God.