Architectural exhibits in Millennium Park designed by London-based Zaha Hadid and Amsterdam-based Ben van Berkel of UNStudio emphasize the importance of boldly imagining a better future for all. Both are intended to echo the audacity of the 1909 Burnham Plan, which proclaimed, “What we as a people decide to do in the public interest we can and surely will bring to pass.”Architecture for the rich is booming business, especially in Asia. Evidently wealth has been flowing to Asia for years.
Tucked away from the noisy, choked traffic on Sukhumvit Road near Ekamai, Mr Bensley's office is flooded with work commissioned by kings, governments and tycoons. He says there has been no slowdown since he set up shop here [Thailand] 20 years ago. From the 1997 Asian crisis through to the collapse of Wall Street last year, there has not been a minute of stoppage at his shop. "In fact, the opposite is true," says the towering figure.Important new art comes onto the world scene regularly, like this week even.

Opening reception: Tuesday, October 27th, from 6 to 8pm, Gagosian Gallery 522 West 21st Street
New York, NY 10011
Ha, they sort of look like eyes. Probably just a coincidence. (wink wink wink)
Investigating officials have identified a large smuggling organization that appears to have moved items out of Italy to other locations in Europe from which they were smuggled into the United States. Typically, the items were then sold through antiquities galleries in the United States to obscure their origins before introducing them into major auction houses. The illicit proceeds of the sales were then laundered back to the source countries. The trail of these two seized items started in Italy, moved to Geneva, and then, according to the evidence uncovered so far, arrived in Beverly Hills. The gallery involved in the sale of these items has been associated with other looted materials that have ultimately been repatriated to their source countries.Hmm. Money laundering through antiquities. OK well, there are several galleries in Beverly Hills. They seem to be specialized. This one specializes in Asian art, and business is booming. Lucky huh? Must be because of the booming Asian economy that keeps Bensley so busy.
I.M. Chait Gallery/Auctioneers is a family owned and operated auction house based in Beverly Hills. Run by Asian Art expert Isadore M. Chait, with over 35 years of experience. Due to the high demand of clients, I.M. Chait Auctions has expanded from solely Asian art auctions into fine art, paintings, modern art, European and American furniture, jewelry, and even natural history while still maintaining the same stellar reputation and expertise that clients have seen for so many years.
But, kind of weirdly, a person named Isadore M. Chait became the President of the Cult Awareness Network back around 1997. Do you think there's another person named Isadore M. Chait milling around? Hmm. That's kind of strange seeing as Isadore M. Chait is a world-renowned Asian art expert. Or is it the same guy (or woman)? Cult awareness? That's a totally different pail of worms we're talking about mind control. What on earth would an Asian art expert know about mind control? It can't possibly be the same person.
Well anyway, this Cult Awareness Network (CAN) got into some trouble and had to come under new management. (scroll down to Scientology)
Shortly after the Heaven's Gate mass suicide, the Cult Awareness Network, which has long battled cults, sent reporters a list of "experts" on the subject. One of them, J. Gordon Melton, is considered by many cult foes to be an apologist for the groups. Melton, who has written extensively on cults and religions, has come out in defense of Aum, the Japanese cult linked to the gassing of a Tokyo subway in March 1995 that killed twelve people, and the Church of Scientology has asked him to testify in court on its behalf. What's more, Melton, whom CAN identified as "executive director, Institute for the Study of American Religions, University of California, Santa Barbara," is not a professor at the school; he works in the library.
Why would CAN list someone known to be a sympathetic to these groups? "We have a different philosophy here now," says Isadore Chait, CAN's new director. "We're an information source on religions." He adds that Melton has written "the authoritative book on religions in America."
Chait was appointed after CAN lost a recent lawsuit, went bankrupt, and saw its name, logo, and hot line bought by a Scientologist.
"We figured this would happen," says a source. "The foxes are guarding the henhouse." Brief news item. Esquire, Jun '97, p20.
The old CAN, after being fined $1,000,000 for their part in the deprogramming of a Pentecostal Christian (rather than make any reparation for the harm they had done), voluntarily declared bankruptcy in June of 1996. The name CAN and its hotline number went on the auction block that October. At the sale were CAN's former Executive Director and an attorney representing diverse individuals and groups. Apparently abandoned by their financial backers, CAN stopped bidding at one point and the attorney walked away owning the name and hotline. He has since licensed the use of the name and hotline to the Foundation for Religious Freedom, a non-profit public-benefit corporation run by a multi-faith Board.Reading on...a letter from the management:
The new CAN provides factual information about religions of all kinds [even cults! - ed.] and reconciles families. Read on to get briefed on some of the new CAN's results.
Dear Friends, This past year has been a true success! We've had over 4,000 hotline calls from all over the US and as far away as Germany, Denmark, Japan, and Venezuela; dozens of reconciliations and mediations; 2,000 visits to the CAN website; hundreds of new members; and many dozens of professionals agreeing to act as qualified referrals for the new CAN.Oh who can argue with stopping hate. Don't you want to stop hate? Yes of course everyone should just stop fighting over religion! There's nothing wrong with Scientology for instance. If your child wants to join the "church" of Scientology you should be supportive not hateful and judgmental, bitch, and if you're having some trouble with that just call the CAN and they'll talk you through it, 'kay sweetie? Not sure why but the CAN newsletter is written in that phony cloying happy-talk style, totally condescending, which means either they're idiots or they think their readers are. But not to worry because CAN works with professionals, and professionals aren't idiots as proven by the plaques on their walls.
Now that the Cult Awareness Network is in the hands of the Foundation for Religious Freedom, people are being encouraged daily to get factual information, stay in communication and reconcile family situations. And this is why we're here: to stop the hate between people over religious reasons. In this newsletter, you'll find some examples we felt were worth sharing.
After all, America was built on religious freedom and everyone has the right to their own choice of faith.
We intend to spread this message further in 1998.
Rev. George Robertson
Chairman of the Board
Foundation for Religious Freedom
Isadore M. Chait
Cult Awareness Network
In November, religious scholars met in San Francisco for their annual conference. A CAN representative also visited one of the meetings and briefed scholars on the latest activities at CAN. Some of the many scholars she met with (in addition to several of those mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter) included: Catherine Wessinger of Loyola University, Constance A. Jones of the California Institute of Integral Studies, Judith Linzer, a Ph.D. and Rabbinical scholar, and Robert Ellwood of the University of Southern California. Each of the scholars she briefed were very happy and willing to agree to act as professional referrals for the new CAN!Yeah. Ok. Kumbaya we're all one big happy family I guess, right? Right. Hey and if you kids don't stop fighting over religion dad will pull the car over and take all your religions away, and you'll just have ONE religion, the one dad likes, and that will teach you to fight over religion. Here take your toy weapons and go back to playing jihadis against the crusaders. Damn kids.
...To handle over 4,000 calls in less than one year, concerning nearly every religion imaginable, CAN has created a network around the country of over 100 true religious experts to whom we refer callers. These experts help individuals and families by providing factual [emphasis in original] information to help them understand each other's beliefs.
Anyway, getting back to Scientology and the CAN, evidently some CAN members in charge of "deprogramming" were also Scientologists, and they got in some legal trouble and had to be disavowed by the CAN.
Members of Cult Awareness Network (CAN), responding to the widespread public concern over planned kidnappings in the Du Pont trial, have publicly apologized to all victims of CAN-related "deprogrammings" and declared their determination to bring reforms to the organization.Oh, wow. Nice organization, whose cloying language targets vulnerable people having family conflicts, aiming to suck them in and give them the "support" of "professionals," who may or may not be felons or Scientologists, and who may or may not attempt kidnappings and violent "deprogramming" operations on their loved ones.
The reformers, who number over 288 CAN members from around the country say they are shocked at the support and encouragement given to criminal deprogrammers by CAN executives. In their public statement, they warn that "deprogramming involves violent kidnapping, physical and mental brutalisation, brainwashing, denial of food and sleep, enforced drugging and sexual abuse to force another to abandon deeply held beliefs."
In the ongoing criminal trial, E. Newbold Smith, Don Moore, Galen Kelly and Bob Point are accused of plotting to abduct Smith's 36-year-old son Lewis du Pont Smith, and his wife. The plan was lure the son away using a woman, kidnap him and then "deprogram" him away from involvement with the Lyndon Larouche organization.
A secret tape played in court by the prosecution has linked the alleged conspirators with Cult Awareness Network. In one tape, defendant Moore admitted that he was working for CAN.
Cynthia Kisser, CAN's national director, has publicly stated that defendant E. Newbold Smith is a member of CAN. A third defendant, Galen Kelly, was CAN's security officer and was employed by them during the period he committed several recent kidnappings and helped to plan the Du Pont one.
In their public statement, the CAN reform members state that "No man or woman has the right to deprive another of liberty and then seek, through harassment and brutality, to enforce his repudiation of deeply held beliefs. Therefore, to those whose mental and/or physical health has been destroyed by hired thugs called deprogrammers, who pocket thousands of dollars in exchange for wrecking, often forever, the lives of innocent people and their families, we express our profound regret."
The statement concludes with a determination to "to reform Cult Awareness Network so that it disavows criminal actions, dismisses from its staff all those who continue to support deprogramming, and embarks on its lawful program to educate the public on their religious rights and responsibilities."
The California Superior Court in Los Angeles yesterday found that ei? (eight?) of the reformers, who are also members of the Church of Scientology, had "acted as a catalyst in changing the unlawful conduct of defendants (CAN)." Spokesman for the reform group, Glenn Barton said today, "Cult Awareness Network has already come under investigation by the FBI for its connections to the deprogrammings."
"Five-time convicted felon Ted Patrick, the founder of deprogramming had a profound influence on CAN. Currently deprogrammer Joe Szimhart is awaiting trial in connnection with a kidnapping in ??ise, (Boise?) Idaho. During the Network have keen arrested for their violations of the law. These include Szimhart, Randall Burkey, Mary Alice Chrnalogar and Karen Reinhardt. This kidnapping-for-profit ring is actively supported and encouraged by Cult Awareness Network executives."
Barton said the reformers are prepared to use the the media, the co? and the public to bring about Meaningful refom of CAN.
Let's pause. So far we have traced a single tentacle from the rarefied atmosphere of the elite art world in Asia and New York, to money laundering via stolen antiquities in Beverly Hills, to the Cult Awareness Network and its legal troubles, to the ordinary world of struggling people looking for help with family problems over cults -- I mean "religions." And what do we find here but some thugs caught plotting to kidnap Lewis DuPont Smith and his wife -- heirs to the DuPont family fortune -- to deprogram them from the Lyndon LaRouche "cult" using violent deprogramming methods bequeathed from five-time convicted felon Tim Patrick. Allright?? I'm sorry, this is just how it turned out. I wasn't planning such a crazy post and I'm not sure I have this all straight, I'm just following along.
But wait there's more. This is from a website highly critical of LaRouche:Patrick worked to make kidnapping and assault appear socially acceptable. As long as the crime was directed against individuals whose beliefs could be made to seem odd or unusual to the rest of society, any common thug could earn substantial sums simply by billing himself a “deprogrammer.”
Patrick’s past reveals that he comes from a background which made him no stranger to crime. Patrick’s father opted for the lucrative profession of pickup man for local mobsters running the numbers racket. Patrick began earning his living as a professional kidnapper and hired thug, targeting members of various religions for violent “deprogrammings.”
Patrick has asserted that religions recruit members by hypnotizing them on the spot with “beams” emanating from the knees and elbows and other parts of the body. This to Patrick classified a potential victim as a “mindless robot” and fair game for violent tactics.
LaRouche worked out his ideology and tactics in the late 1970s, in a series of books and articles with such titles as The Case of Walter Lippman, The Secrets Known Only to the Inner Elites, and A Machiavellian Solution for Israel. In these tracts and in writings by several of LaRouche's top lieutenants, history was depicted as a struggle for the true human race to assert itself against the degenerative influence of assorted subhumans such as Jews, gays, Freemasons, witches, Jesuits, and (most recently) the Slavs behind the Iron Curtain.Aha, we are deep in the rabbit hole now, but, perhaps you can see why Lewis needed to be rescued. After all, the DuPonts have a long family history and they can't have their heirs going off the reservation.
The subhumans, according to LaRouche and company, are led by an "evil species" outside the human race: the "Zionist-British organism." To defeat this ancient enemy and save humanity, LaRouche taught, it is necessary to have a "grand design" in the spirit of Alexander the Great, Frederick Barbarossa, and other conquerors who marched East. His own grand design included setting up a dictatorship in America, purging the "Jewish lobby" from public life, and preparing for "total war."
It was classic neo-Nazism, but even disguised in code words and metaphor it could hardly be sprung directly on the public. LaRouche began to experiment with ways to inject it indirectly. He launched a "war on drugs" which appeared legitimate until you read the fine print and saw that it was really a war on rich Jews and Zionists (controllers, in LaRouchian mythology, of the world drug traffic). He launched a campaign for "beam weapons." but when you examined this one closely, you saw that the messianic rhetoric and call for trillion-dollar programs had little to do with President Reagan’s "Star Wars" program, being more akin to the old Hitlerite formula of total mobilization for total war.
Sitting down to write about the du Pont's reminded me of two other families. Recently, John Coleman, a researcher on the elite, commented to me that when he had researched the Queen of Denmark he had discovered that the royal Danish family was slipping away secretly from everyone and they were going to Satanic rituals. It is also noteworthy that 5 modern kings of Denmark have been the leaders of Freemasonry in Denmark, and the Danish royal family, princes etc. have been active Masons. John Dale wrote a book The Prince and The Paranormal which goes into the secret occult activities of the British royal family, especially Prince Charles, but also many other royal family members too. Besides the secret occult activities of the British Monarch, they have been openly leaders of Freemasonry ( see the Appendix of Be Wise As Serpents for a detailed chart on this.) The du Ponts are similar to these families in that they too are a dynasty, they too have a very public image, and they too have a totally hidden life. In fact, the du Ponts have better control over the press’s coverage of them than the British Royal Family.I'll leave it there for now.
One of the clues that the family is a top Satanic family are the frequency of marriages between relatives of the du Pont descendants. Few people are aware of the immense importance bloodlines play in the upper levels of Satanism. Blood is believed to carry the occult power. Unless a person has the correct blood he or she will not rise to the highest levels of Satanism. The du Ponts have intermarried with the Balls and the Gardners. These other families are known to be involved with the Illuminati and Satanism. For instance George W. Ball is on the important permanent steering committee of the Bilderbergers and has attended the Bilderberger meetings that I know of starting with the original first meeting in 1954, plus in 1955, 1957, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1974, 1975. George W. Ball is also a member of CFR and the Trilateral Commission. Eliza Cazenove (Gardner was a sister to a du Pont.) Iorsey Cazenove (Gardner was a distant cousin. Will Gardner and Bessie Gardner duPont were cousins of the duPonts. John W. (Gardner is a 60 Illuminatus and in charge of the Rockefeller Bros. Fund. I have found the (Gardners in the thick of Satanism and witchcraft.)
Ancient ceremonial artists self serving and self replicating soaring way above ordinary folks' cares.
Never short of food, oh no, never. Always the best or them.
And always bugging out just in time.