What's this?
All this talk about nuclear, nuclear states, non-nuclear states. So Iran is in compliance with the NPT. They can't really spin that anymore.
So what to do? How to justify an attack on Iran? Hillary Clinton basically lays it straight out for us.
"If we can prove that a biological attack originated in a country that attacked us, then all bets are off." - Hillary Clinton
The Moon landings were an aspiration [ whether they happened or not], it employed science for essentially evolutionary purposes
babbling on like some what if? schoolgirl [ I'd kill em I'd kill em]
40 years later, just shows the vengeful nature of the US
The security officer who was supposed to be looking after JFK on that day was called CLINT HILL oddly
christ sakes!
US perpetuated, point the fingers at Iraq,
so we are looking at US perpetrated kill some more of your own, point the fingers at Iran
and so it goes........
i totally agree that we don't know what iran has from russian and/or china, but i doubt they've been all sitting on their hands all this time. this song and dance has been going on for years. from what i gather the US mil is dragging the anchor on this one, knowing it's going to be completely unpredictable once started, nightmare scenario for them.
they may think that a bio attack can justify a conventional attack thereby solving a lot of problems by allowing the US mil to take out iranian assets proactively. big assumption.
also too, it's not about the weapons it's about the oil and infrastructure used to counter the fiat currency model which is outta gas and needs to be replaced. the banksters don't want competition from Iran, bourses, islamic finance, etc. they want to continue to force the world to keep using US $ or whatever comes after that, as long as they control it. that's why the attacks on Iran would have to include so many sites. surely all the locations on the to be bombed list can be nuclear weapons facilities.
it's all about taking Iran out of the economic equation.
re: henry. i disagree with him too
on putin. i have not been swayed by the many people who see putin's hand in every catastrophe. aan's and suraci's discoveries the last few days are highly damning in this regard. as well as this imedi business, as i covered that before, the usual suspects:
they always project what they do before they do it. it's part of the methods and procedures.
pen, are you seeing the logic of this? this is their favorite hidey-hole -- fun with biology. too tempting for them.
surely all the locations on the to be bombed list can be nuclear weapons facilities.
should have written CAN'T be nuclear weapons facilities.
The Iranian regime has no desire to develop a native nuke program. Having said that, they are very, very calm in the face of the Beast. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that they simply bought some. Everyone is aware that Russia has close ties to the Iran. They don’t want to see another nuclear armed neighbour. China is the silent partner and oil is as vital to them now as it was to Imperial Japan in the ‘30s.
This whole bio-weapon and smuggled test monkeys story reminds me of the plot from a trashy thriller I read a while back. Can’t they just copy and paste something more believable off the internet like they did with Iraq. It sounds like another boogie man story to ratchet up the adrenaline levels of the sheep.
I have no doubt that we will see a biological attack. I think the Uighurs will be used to vector an attack on the Chinese mainland. After all anthrax are so last century. The new strains will be genome specific.
I was going to write something insightful on Makow but Dublin Mick pretty much nailed it.
When people can't figure out who is blowing up New York City it is hard to believe they have a handle on what is going in and out of the mideast.
There is also the matter of the sunburn missile, nuclear tipped, flying at two and half times the speed of sound and it butterflys so anti-missile technology is useless against it. Probably better than the French Exocet or Chinese silkworm.
How many of these are in the area?
I don't have the link now and I am not going to look for it but probably over a year ago there was some speculation that with the fall of USSR and Ukraine, Iran bought 250 neutron weapons. If true one of them can take out a town.
I just don't see an attack on Iran. I would say introducing a bio in some area, blaming it on Iran and a bio showing up in Iran. I wouldn't rule that out. Nobody could be exactly sure who is doing what.
The synchronicity is eerie but one of my online ID’s is Sunburn21. I have followed the Industrial/military complex for many years and I am well aware that their force projection is always against imaginary foes. Not the ones that might someday be actually deployed. Israhell got a wee sniff of that missile threat in the last Lebanon war. Their navy doesn’t sail so close to coast these days.
I sincerely hope that you are right on the issue of Iran. It has been a long time since the US military has had to fight toe-to-toe as equals in any theatre since 1945. I remember a figure from the days of the cold war. Combat personnel when engaged in combat with an equally equipped foe were expected to have an effective lifetime of 90 seconds. I pray to the almighty that the synagogue of Satan do not get their wish.
top paragraph has links to scott ritter and lord stirling, both give very bad case scenarios.
it would be folly.
Otherwise AP, you are a spooky genius. It's the voodoo that you do when you hit 'enter' at google.
As for the folly of attacking Iran, folly for whom? Folly for the US military? Great amounts of time and money have been spent ensuring that there's no one in the command loop of the US military that actually gives a shit about anything apart from being loyal servants of their banking masters and copping blowjobs from ten year olds.
They really are a death cult - the idea of pushing the entire army into a meat grinder would either have them laughing their heads off or surreptitiously adjusting their trousers if you know what I mean.
yes folly for US military.
i know and agree with you about the death cult. but they haven't pulled the trigger on whatever it is they're hanging over our heads yet. every day we kick their can down the road is a victory. there's got to be things going wrong for them and we continue to pick the locks with google until we find out just exactly what the trouble it. it's all about the combinations.
Thanks A.P for the link to the Ritter and Stirling posts - sort of a best/worst case comparison. It is all conjecture and the danger for us personally is to buy into the drumbeat of fear. Running through the Dr Strangelove scenarios probably does us no good in the long run. You are spot on – every delay is a victory.
re: the fear. not to get all religious on anyone, but God didn't create the world to let people like this destroy it. let's have a little confidence now? allright? allright. ok. pep talk over.
She later went into alcohol rehab. I would have probably been drinking too if I had married anything like those two.
what's happening?
word ver: crake
I guess they are insinuating it is my fault!
Jane Burgenmeister's link has been disabled by go daddy for me. Is this happening with you?
Has always fascinated me that Paul Wolfowitz(?) and Robert Zoellick(?) .. both signatories for the 'New American Enterprise'(?) .. ended up as World Bank presidents (?).
well my understanding of it is simply that they are neo-con jews put in place to execute the strategy of financially strangling any country with natural resources, and then "extracting" payment. and that applies to a lot of african countries.
the cover is the usual: "helping" poor africans. but it's really that the people sent to help are helping themselves to the assets of africa. and this banking business is just the way that gets done officially: ie: first they put the africans in debt, and then when they can't pay it back they, you know, repossess the car. except it's not the car, it's all the stuff in the ground.
does that help?