July 2009, Feel the Power.
When Elena Kagan went through her last confirmation hearings, some people questioned her qualifications seeing that she had never been a judge and had never argued a case in ANY court up to that point. Not to mention that she has remarkably few writings for people to pore over. But aside from that, and aside from the fact that this is a big country full of talented, highly educated and tremendously motivated people, she's perfect. Perfect to make a trifecta of Jews on the Supreme Court, along with Breyer and Ginsberg, a full 33% representation to make sure that those 2% of Jews in America can feel good about their power at all times. Seeing as they wield so much of it, sort of out of all proportion but hey, who's counting? I mean, honestly, considering that Jews represent over half of the movers and shakers in this country, holding themselves back at only 33% of the Supreme Court is actually a great deal for us non-Jews. I don't know why anyone would complain.
CNN video:
But I'm confident that I AM qualified, your honor! Hahahahaha.
Very good then. You're hired!
"I am honored and I am humbled by this nomination and by the confidence you have shown in me." ~ Elena Kagan
Sure thing lady.
Hey while we're talking about humility check out this video from Goon Squad.
This is a big country with lots and lots of very talented, highly educated, tremendously motivated people. And no one has its finger on the pulse of the people who make this country what it is more than Vanity Fair.Yes. It tells us so much. I have to agree.
And when it came time to pick the 100 who most move and shake things in America, more than half-more than half-are Jews. And on the list of those who will one day be on that list, more than half-more than half-are Jews. Not to mention that almost 100 percent of those who were on the list and are poised to make a comeback are Jews.
Tells you so much about the place of Jews in this country, about the amazing people Jews are.
When Elena Kagan went through her last confirmation hearings, some people questioned her qualifications seeing that she had never been a judge and had never argued a case in ANY court up to that point. Not to mention that she has remarkably few writings for people to pore over. But aside from that, and aside from the fact that this is a big country full of talented, highly educated and tremendously motivated people, she's perfect. Perfect to make a trifecta of Jews on the Supreme Court, along with Breyer and Ginsberg, a full 33% representation to make sure that those 2% of Jews in America can feel good about their power at all times. Seeing as they wield so much of it, sort of out of all proportion but hey, who's counting? I mean, honestly, considering that Jews represent over half of the movers and shakers in this country, holding themselves back at only 33% of the Supreme Court is actually a great deal for us non-Jews. I don't know why anyone would complain.
CNN video:
Sen. Tom Coburn (R) Oklahoma: "How are you going to handle that, and how are you going to prepare yourself?"How do you answer the charge that you are not qualified?
Elena Kagan (amused): "I'm very confident that I'm up to this part of the job, as I am to all the many other parts.....(serious) I think I bring a lifetime of learning and study of the law, and particularly, of the constitutional and administrative law issues, that form the core of the court's docket. I think I bring up some of the communication skills that have made me a (smiling) -- I'm just going to say -- a famously excellent teacher... um... ah... (laughter in room)
But I'm confident that I AM qualified, your honor! Hahahahaha.
Very good then. You're hired!
"I am honored and I am humbled by this nomination and by the confidence you have shown in me." ~ Elena Kagan
Sure thing lady.
Hey while we're talking about humility check out this video from Goon Squad.
I found it to be thoroughly engrossing. Each of the commentators was unique and someone(certainly not me), could write extensively on the psychology of their responses.
I felt there was something very important being documented. A genuine cross section of middle America. The dumbing down of people who were basically not dumb. A terrible miseducation/diseducation.The total and overwhelming power of the television as mind control.
I have reached a point where I am no longer angry with people like this. They really are innocent children.
Somehow, a process must begin to educate them.Our very survival depends on awakening people like them.
Zombies can be our friends. The Night of the Living Dead must end.
but i don't consider these people being a genuine cross-section of middle america. it seemed to me they self-selected to go to an event of some sort. they didn't look very diverse to me.
nor do i find them all innocent and mind-controlled. i think some people know damn well what's going on, but they have a vested interest in playing dumb. and they don't do it very convincingly. the smirks and the barely concealed rage give it away that they are not amused with this old man. they are threatened by him and his message.
First, the elderly fellow dispensing truth was very brave. I admired him. His elderly status allowed for a very non threatening stature, something that is seemingly essential in confrontations such as these.
The middle america thing is the backdrop of these confronatations. It was white middle class, middle aged, middle income folk. Being in the middle allows for a comfort level that was non threatening. For all intents and purposes a mellow scene.This civility is fairly unique these days (Another plus in confrontations like these).
The threat of physical violence was very low throughout the video. Even the bull necked bald guy who threatened physical violence was by most standards not very threatening.He too was middle aged and sober. believe me AP I've seen and experienced alot worse.
There were obvious smirks and concealed rage but it was very contained. Psychologists use the the phrase "cognitive dissonance" to explain resistance to new ideas, smirks and concealed rage would be manifestations of this cognitive dissonance.Children will smirk and rage too.It's a helluva lot different from overt rage and physical violence.
Some of these middle class were more in the know then others. It's the others who were the most fascinating. Well I've gone on too long.
The bad guys go after smart guys like les first. I worry about him.
ThAT Lakota video was kewl. Thanx
Some times you just have to respond to the hey papa masonic bullshit.
When the dog pauses usually something big is coming.
This blog has not been updated for two weeks at the request of multiple power groups including the Chinese government, the Japanese secret government, the CIA and the British Royal family. They say delicate negotiations are taking place and that they require secrecy for their success. If successful, the result will be an unprecedented boon for humanity and the planet.
yeah sure, everything will be fine once *these* power groups get those *other* (read: bad) power groups out of the way. hahaha.
i was wondering about les yesterday too. he has been quiet for a while.
peter, we are in agreement about the elderly gentleman.
here's my problem:
Psychologists use the the phrase "cognitive dissonance" to explain resistance to new ideas...
NEW? but it's not a new idea. we're in the ninth year. every american knows that tens of millions of their fellow americans have questions and theories about 911. it's not new information, and it's not unusual. so why the cognitive dissonance?
i have talked with many people over the years about 911, many resistant and truly middle class working stiff people, and honestly even the most resistant ones have opened their minds to *something* being off about 911.
i don't see the support for cognitive dissonance. people have been exposed to this information. even if they haven't done any reading, they know that there are lots of people who hold these beliefs. the most we can say is that they want to steer far away from them because they don't want to know the truth, because it will upset their apple cart. so their reaction is more one of bullying and denial and trying to beat down and intimidate people into not talking about it. the video shows a little gang mentality.
AP, THAT"S cognitve dissonance.
**NEW? but it's not a new idea.**
I'd venture to guess that to some folks the shot from the grassy knoll is new information.
You must travel in well educated circles AP.**every american knows that tens of millions of their fellow americans have questions and theories about 911** IMHO you over estimate the education of americans, I fear you fail to ee the EXTREME dumbing down that has transpired over the last 60 years. These people in the video really really capture this extreme dumbing down.
Heck ever watch Jay Leno's interviewing of the people on the street? It is even worse then this!! Prolly because they ain't even middle class. :P
The BubbleWorld faction was well represented in that middle America sample.
I have reached a point where I am no longer angry with people like this. They really are innocent children.
sorry but i just don't feel that way. in general terms i have compassion for people, but in specific terms when they demonstrate their attitude...not so much.
Somehow, a process must begin to educate them. Our very survival depends on awakening people like them.
well yeah. the process started a long time ago and has been ongoing. i personally have spent countless hours of my life trying to reach people, to explain, to do the legwork, to make it easy for them. the old man took a different approach. there are many people involved in the process, yourself included. right? what other process do we have? this is it. it's confronting people with information.
in the end, people have a choice. they can either put a little effort in to try to look at new information, or they will just tell you to fuck off.
people who watch teevee, like fox news, know that conspiracy theorists exist and that they should attack them. that's what these people in the video did.
you are say they are actually unable to come to any other decision because of brain washing. maybe true for some of them. but i think some people are just assholes, and they will use the former as human shields to cover for their playing dumb.
i have seen people play dumb many times.
I'll meet ya half way there on this point AP.
only thing i would add is that there are forces pushing against the teevee brainwashing. one is the internet. another is this: if a paranoid person found out people were accusing them of something, wouldn't they want to know the accusations?
people do break out of the brainwashing for one reason or another. and all the little mind-fucking head-games, bullying, insults, straw-men, etc. that the people did on the video also happens online, via trolls and other members of the hasbara brigade.
I'm an effing nobody, and elderly, so a segment of the chosenites must be getting very desperate. If the video guy had been young the responses might have been harsher. There's seething rage within on all sides, barely contained. Sooner or later it's gonna blow like that well.
that's just sickening news, and you know, at the same time it doesn't surprise me that much. i agree that there is seething rage barely contained. quite a lot of people are engaged in this struggle, and those who sit around pretending to be blissfully ignorant, or really being so, will come in for a rude surprise. this is one of those things that people will be forced to pick sides, and for those who don't have their facts straight, that will be a tough call. there will be confusion.
I'm gonna incorporate it into my blog.