More from Gordon Duff, Veterans Today:
Do we all have to apologize to the Iranian president? Who’s going to tell Jon Stewart? Will he be less of a “bigot” now? Coincidences are piling up. Will he admit to his “anal/rectal confluence?”
Two weeks ago, President Ahmadinejad of Iran called for a UN investigation of 9/11. He was called a lunatic by President Obama. Now, Fox News, new owner of Farsi 1, Iran’s biggest entertainment network, has blown the lid off 9/11, calling it a “whitewash” and saying that the 9/11 Commissioners staged a coverup.
What can we say we have proven? Can we prove Israel was involved? No. Can we make a case, based on both direct testimony, documentary and circumstantial evidence, that they were involved and that failing to investigate this is part of a conspiracy? Yes.
Do we have to prove how it was done? No. Was Osama bin Laden involved? We don’t know. It depends. The only way he could have been involved is if he were still working for the CIA and under their control.
Who should the next guest be? Attorney General Eric Holder?
“Mr. Holder, based on what we have just heard from these two highly reliable sources, clear evidence of a massive criminal conspiracy within the United States government, how do you suggest dealing with this problem?”
Problems between the CIA and the Pentagon?
Jamie Gorelick. See: in the bag
Not sure why this is all coming out. Maybe the ship is finally sinking and the rats are trying to save themselves. Also noteworthy that not one word was breathed about Israel in the Fox video.
A lot more people are ‘getting it’ A.P. Unfortunately that normally means we are due to get a lot more of it shortly if you know what I mean. Found out something new today LLTF – Living Life to The Full. Sounds like a good idea.
V word = knesses (knesset is the proper spelling i believe)
also given the Oath Keeper who just had his newborn baby taken away, it does add credence to the idea that tptb would like to take out an important link in the chain of the resistance -- meaning anyone armed and trained who would no go along with the program.
definitely creepy.
Some of the opposition are being quietly neutralised.
We know that local and state police are not termed "reliable" by the NWO crowd and D.C. bureaucrats. I now wonder if they have determined they can't trust their own agents as well in case of martial law? (Of all the guys I polled on my department ten years ago none said they would enforce illegal or unconstitutional martial law unless it had to do with natural disasters such as tornados, floods etc.)
there's the "justification" -- can't trust 'em.
I’m not sure if the baby snatching routine was another of Alex Jewnes publicity stunts. It still pays to be cautious.
Now he is talking about 9/11?
He is still supporting the official conspiracy which has the plot originating in Afghanistan?
(His asset in Afghanistan giving information)
He is also shoring up the line about discord between agencies.
And yes, no mention of Israel...
Chuck -- the baby snatching story may be ripe for debunking. it's getting a lot of play. if it turns out to be a cock-up, that will be given wide coverage also, and that effectively "debunks" any *other* talk about people getting snatched as ridiculous paranoid hysteria.
Why would power junkies leave the most powerful political office in the world?
En masse and just before an election?
Unless there won't be an election?
Unless there won't be a White House?
Not long after 9-11, Bush signed into law a provision for executive govt to take over in the event of a national disaster and Congress couldn't meet for some reason.
Gosh, I wonder how those two conditions could be met?
The analogy of waters rushing out beyond normal tide levels prior to the arrival of a tsunami comes to mind. Alternatively think of rats.
i dunno peeps.