"Normal people must develop a level of patience beyond the ken of anyone living in a normal man's system just in order to explain what to do and how to do it to some obtuse mediocrity of a psychological deviant who has been placed in charge of some project that he cannot even understand, much less manage." Andrew Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology, p. 137
To wit, found at the COTO Report:
"This special kind of pedagogy -- instructing deviants while avoiding their wrath -- requires a great deal of time and effort, but it would otherwise not be possible to maintain tolerable living conditions and necessary achievements in the economic area or intellectual life of a society. Even with such efforts, pathocracy progressively intrudes everywhere and dulls everything." ~ Lobaczewski
In a pathocracy, all leadership positions, even to the lowest levels, become filled with people who have psychological deviations that CORRESPOND. The whole system becomes tuned to the deviants at the top. Intellect or professional skills cannot be taken into account when filling jobs. The main criteria for whether someone gets a job is whether the person will do the job as expected. Thus, an obnoxious, dull-witted authoritarian right-leaning type of personality is ideal to implement -- on the ground -- some of the communist-inspired schemes cooked up by obnoxious, devious, control-freak left-leaning types in the back rooms.
See, it really takes the full spectrum of ideological whack-jobs, working together, to run a society into the ground.
And it takes some people willing to resist. 4409 has done us a valuable service by demonstrating the reverse mind-fuck. Excellent job.
AP, did you see the original Hitler skit?
Via Thy Weapon of War
wicked youtube.... ruining everything.... damn bloggers.....
The midget female is pure poison, but the guy, I wonder what is problem is. He slurs speech so I suspect that he is either drugged out or inebriated, or plain brain damaged.
May I blogroll you?
Great quotes from Lobaczewski too. So true.
And that's a really great point of how the 'left' and 'right' work together in our society.
Suzan, yes thanks. i'll put you on as well.
James, it's time to reread lobaczewski i think. so much great info in that book.
Um . .. . ashalee, i haven't read it yet, just culled everything i could from that great site Sign of the times (SOTT).
Time let the moths out of my wallet and cough up the readies and buy it haha
Thanks A.P. The rules and regulations and permits are just that – they belong to the machine, not us.
That internal high ground gives us the confidence to prevail. It's always a case of who is going to blink first.
These gestapo types are trained to kiss up and kick down. If you don't act like a victim sooner or later they figure you might be someone to kiss up to rather than kick down on.
Attitude is king (or queen)
“In a pathocracy, all leadership positions, even to the lowest levels, become filled with people who have psychological deviations that CORRESPOND. The whole system becomes tuned to the deviants at the top. Intellect or professional skills cannot be taken into account when filling jobs. The main criteria for whether someone gets a job is whether the person will do the job as expected. Thus, an obnoxious, dull-witted authoritarian right-leaning type of personality is ideal to implement -- on the ground -- some of the communist-inspired schemes cooked up by obnoxious, devious, control-freak left-leaning types in the back rooms.
See, it really takes the full spectrum of ideological whack-jobs, working together, to run a society into the ground.
And it takes some people willing to resist. 4409 has done us a valuable service by demonstrating the reverse mind-fuck. Excellent job.”
Well, that seals it for me, I am not going to be able to negotiate a reasonable result for myself with these fucking brain-dead loons, so: Out comes the sawn-off and Bam! I ride!
Maranathaaaaaaa.....Muthaaaa faaarkaaas!
the zombies do have a way of getting on one's last fecking nerve...