Where are the crime scene photos from Newtown? Beslan massacre - victims http://uppompeii1.uppompeii.com/2011/09/01/suffer-the-little-children-to-come-unto-me-remember-beslan.aspx Beslan massacre - victims http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=84833 Gareth Williams' body removed from crime scene http://truthaholics.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/sex-spies-and-seven-suspicious-deaths-the-murky-waters-of-the-intelligence-world-coincidence-or-conspiracy/ A double murder suicide crime scene in central Florida -- body being removed from the scene http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/news/double-murder-suicide-911-call-central-florida-s-1/nLnFh/ TEAM NATO + ISRAEL drone victims REAL BLOOD. REAL CHILDREN. REAL MOTHER saying goodbye to her REAL SON killed in IRAQ by the US thanks to the WAR that we started there based on LIES from the NEOCONS IOF victims in Gaza REAL CHILDREN. REALLY DEAD. NOT PHOTOSHOPPED. THEIR DEATHS P