In comments at the last post, we have been discussing the possible mechanism for how this e coli illness works. Just theorizing.
As we know the e coli strain is resistant to eight classes of antibiotics, which cannot happen in nature.
A13 writes in her last post:
We know that this type of RARE bacteria is resistant to all the following classes and combinations of antibiotics:
• penicillins
• tetracycline
• nalidixic acid
• trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazol
• cephalosporins
• amoxicillin / clavulanic acid
• piperacillin-sulbactam
• piperacillin-tazobactam
And it is a CHIMERA, a DNA/ Genetic mutation.
We also know that the source of this bacteria has not been found.
Some of us have been speculating that this could be a BIOWEAPON? or Maybe a TEST of One?
Life Technologies was able to very quickly develop a custom test for this exact strain, in record time.
Some facts about Life Technology from their press release:
- a global biotech company
- in approximately 160 countries
- with one of the largest intellectual property estates in the industry
- including approximately 3900 patents and exclusive licenses
- supporting work across the biological spectrum
- on "translational research, molecular medicine, stem cell-based therapies, food safety and animal health, and 21st century forensics"
Very high tech. This company manufacturers the Ion Torrent Sequencer technology which uses semiconductors to directly translate DNA information to data, which is what sequencing means. Then Life Technologies within days developed a custom assay test for the novel e coli strain, to be used to screen suspect food.
Life Technologies' Simone Guenther, Ph.D., who carried out the sequencing work, said: "The severity of this outbreak meant that speed was of the essence. We were able to provide the data in record time to University Hospital Muenster. In previous outbreaks it would have taken much longer to reach this stage." To prevent further spreading of the bacterium, Life Technologies began shipping its custom E. coli testing kits to European laboratories this week to screen contaminated food thought to be at the center of the outbreak that has killed 17 people and affected more than 1,000 in Europe.
Still they could not find the source of the e coli.
Then we learned, thanks to A13's research, that another company which makes ONE drug, the most expensive drug in the world, is giving it away for FREE to the health authorities in Germany. And this company, Alexion, has been popular with investors because it can make "an unlimited amount of antibodies."
Which, as A13 explains, means they are cloning:
Eculizumab (SOLIRIS) is one of these TYPES OF ANTIBODIES
...Ever since the discovery that monoclonal antibodies could be generated in-vitro, scientists have targeted the creation of 'fully' human antibodies to avoid some of the side effects of humanised and chimeric antibodies."
Watch CEO of Alexion, Leonard Bell, M.D., as he talks about the company's prospects back in 2008.
"Within the next 5 to 10 years it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease causing organism. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease."
The AIDS epidemic appeared almost exactly 10 years later.
See also the book "Queer Blood" by Dr. Alan Cantwell.
We can probably presume the scientists toying around with this technology have by now had plenty of time to perfect their technique.
you might want to peruse Jennifer Lake's blog (on the blogroll), as she has done a lot of research into these false science narratives.
It looks to me that the test was successful not only as a bioweapon but also as a tool to plant the seed so to speak that some of our most nutritious foods are not to be trusted.
I'm still pissed that one of our most perfect foods, California almonds, are forced to be pasteurized,destroying nutrients. What's next, irradiating sprouts and all other high end foods?
This is a war on the people and we're on the receiving end of the terrorism. I'd say there will be more variations on this theme soon to come.
Now, what are we going to do about it? It's not enough to say we have to grow our own food. These crimes against humanity must be stopped.
Things like aspartame, possibly.
In non-fatal cases , stereotypically, men are less likely to go to the doctor.
Alternatively they could be in the same sort of environment:
Work - a place or type of business that uses more female employees [ hospital, check-out desks, school canteen]
Home - something housewives do, eat, take , read - a coated substance on this mont's COSMO
Schools - working on the assumption that women take their children to school more than men esp. at 'nursery school' age.
Caveat: stereotypes and non-scientific knowledge.
There's a vegan restaurant , lots of raw food etc and generally its 2 or 3 to 1 in favour of women eating there, generally on a good income, as its f***ing expensive.
Oddly though there are 2 urinals and one sit-down toilet for the men and 1 sit-down for the girls - go figure.
sloth, yes missing the Wonderbra or Mentor Silicone Implants size 400CC.
hi Kenny. it's probably worth pondering the German response in relation to the Japanese response, both to attacks that have presumably been messages. the attack and the German response definitely sets up some precedents which will be useful for future narratives. no doubt more to come.
ferris, it has to be something. this didn't happen out of nowhere. funny how that works about the bathrooms. i guess they didn't do their market research... :D
good point about the microbiologists. it's been a while since anything like that has happened.
I also have been thinking the seed would have had to be attacked (and by some type of biotoxin).
Great test case, huh?
Case rested.
Can hardly wait for the next "unknown" attack.
Love ya,
my instinct is that the seeds were bioengineered, personally. just my feeling on it. that they are "clean" until ingested, and then if the person had whatever enzyme or something that was required to cause the mutation, the thing was triggered and recombined or did whatever bioscience thingy that happened to make certain people sick without leaving a trace back to a source. did i just pull that outta my arse? yes i did. does it make as much sense as the official explanation? yes it does.
if you don't get irony you will miss the meaning here and be confused.
for example, when i say "top fucking talent," i don't really think the people are talented except in being criminal.
They are now quite certain it was bean sprouts from an organic farmers
And this has caused people to become suspicious of organic farmers because they use manure rather then chemical fertilizers.
(Chemical fertilizers are safer is the implication)
But, this is a load of baloney as factory farming uses liquid manure,
an organic farmer should be using composted,aged manure which would not have any issue with ecoli.
(have used it for better then 20 years in my garden, no problem)
There has been problem with high level spraying of liquid manure contaminating everything around it
this is something an organic farmer would have no need of
high level spraying.
The liquid manure is gathered usually at the massive hog farming operations
The spin seems to be organic is bad, chemical is good.
"Most swine manure is handled as a liquid. Manure typically falls through a slotted floor (with the size of slot depending on the size and age of animal) into either a gutter or a concrete storage pit. Storage pits"
"Germany recognises Libya rebels as sole government"
Does this postpone the 26-6-11 Berlin event or are we still game-on?
If an organic farm was near another factory farm that was using liquid manure spray...the contamination could have happened that way.
Either by land or by water???
As demonstrated in that one link, the spray has contaminated beyond where it is applied.
The organic farmer if this is the case, could be demonized thoroughly in the msm and people will love "chemicals" poisons because they are "safer"
i noticed here one solution: to irradiate all the food. all nutrients destroyed and thus, SAFE TO EAT kids. knock yourself out.
the reality of big farma is, of course, completely unappetizing, as shown by your links. at the rate things are going, i should be vegan by the end of the week.
anonymous, good link, good catch. though i doubt it gets them off the hook for future murder-sprees. i mean game on, for sure.
as a form of death by a thousand cuts. Botulism
over hear, bird flu over there, fungus in Missouri
post tornados, bad sprouts, a little gummint
Variety sure is the spice of death for these psychos !
Thanks for keepin' us up to date.