One of these days some bad thing will happen in America, maybe in Arizona, and we may learn that the evildoers came out of Mexico. And a bread crumb trail of evidence will lead through South America, and perhaps through parts of Africa, and perhaps over to Lebanon, and eventually to the House of Cake, which may possibly be located in Iran.
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm. Hansel and Gretel and Other Stories by the Brothers Grimm.
Kay Nielsen, illustrator. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1925.
Kay Nielsen, illustrator. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1925.
And we suppose this because, from time to time, we read these fairy tales.
A Somali man used Brazil as a staging ground to smuggle people, including members of a terrorist group into the United States, witnesses are expected to testify during a sentencing hearing Thursday in San Antonio.The hearing is about a person, Ahmed Mohammed Dhakane, who allegedly failed to list his terrorist affiliations in Somalia and human smuggling credentials on his 2008 asylum application. Dhakane is 24. Thus he was born in 1987...? Allegedly, he failed to admit that he was associated with two organizations that the Treasury Department had one upon a time designated Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT). Allegedly, he was associated with these organization from pre-911 until January 2003. Yes, we also noticed that he was a young teenager at the time. So What?
Furthermore, from June 2006 to March 2008 he is alleged to have participated in and run a large scale human trafficking ring in Brazil. Yes, he was still a teenager. So What? Sounds like a business prodigy to us. Send him to Wharton for pete's sake.
Read the charges here:
Please note that REGARDLESS of the merits of this case, IT ADVANCES THE NARRATIVE -- that Islamic terrorists are making their way to the US via the Mexican border. That's the point.
...Regardless of how much time Dhakane receives, the testimony should offer a glimpse into the depth of Islamist terrorist activity in South America and how, in some cases, terrorist operatives try to make it to America via its southern border.
Bullshit charges + bullshit hearing ==> narrative gold.
The sentencing memo:
According to the sentencing memo, Dhakane told immigration court that "he worked for al-Barrakat [a US Treasury Department designated "terrorist organization" - ed.] from 1997 until 2002. In 2001, Dhakane stated that he became the director of money exchange and customer relations counselor." He did this WHEN HE WAS 12. Are these Islamoterrorists precocious, or what?
A sentencing memo notes that Dhakane put up some of his clients in a hotel in São Paulo, Brazil's largest city, which lies near the country's southern coastline.
Not far to São Paulo's west lies the Tri-Border Area (TBA), where Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay meet. The TBA has long been identified as a hub of terrorist activity, especially for the Iranian-backed Hizballah.Dhakane's case reinforces concerns that criminal activity linked to terrorism might be spreading outside of the TBA, particularly to São Paulo.
Dhakane's case reinforces CONCERNS. Dhakane's case reinforces THE NARRATIVE. The narrative tells us to expect Islamic troublemakers to come up from South America.
See: confirming the suspicions of experts
Anyone remember how Wachovia Bank laundered about $380 billion in Mexican drug money and got a slap on the wrist? Can we put things in perspective? Let's put it this way. Even if all the things the government alleges about Dhakane are true, the whole thing still comes across like a Starsky and Hutch episode. Local detectives catch small-time criminals.
Let's ask Huggy Bear if he's seen Dhakane.
A 1999 FAIR expose reviews a litany of complaints about Investigative Project author, Steve Emerson:
Emerson's most notorious gaffe was his claim that the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing showed "a Middle Eastern trait" because it "was done with the intent to inflict as many casualties as possible." (CBS News, 4/19/95)
..."He's poison," says investigative author Seymour Hersh, when asked about how Emerson is perceived by fellow journalists....Yet Emerson seems irrepressible.Yet he seems irrepressible. He is still going strong after all these years. Indeed. And why is that? Because it doesn't matter whether he is factually accurate? Various powerful people really like Steve, and they like what Steve has to say, and they can use Steve's NARRATIVES to craft policy, policy that makes their supporters happy. For instance, Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona is a fan of Steve's.
"On this date nine years ago, Islamist terrorists hijacked four commercial jets and killed almost 3,000 innocent people. Americans finally realized that the sporadic attacks that had occurred earlier were not isolated events – they were all part of a war that had been declared by leaders of militant Islamist groups and had to be confronted as such." ~ Jon Kyl remarks on 9/11/10
Obviously not a historical revisionist.
"Surprise suprise surprise." ~ Gomer Pyle

Senator Jon Kyl is also a fan of Israel.
Jon Kyl says US and Israel see eye to eye on Iran threat.
Jon Kyl hosts screening at the Capitol building of Geert Wilders' film about Islamic extremists.
Jon Kyl has an impeccable record of supporting pro-Israel legislation, and he's very tight with Bibi.
Kyl supports Israel. Kyl also supports Steve. Steve is an expert.
"[Emerson is] the most authoritative expert on Middle Eastern terrorism in the United States today and whose investigations have uncovered the existence of terrorist groups operating in the United States today…This country owes a great deal of gratitude to him." ~ Jon Kyl
Now you might also notice that Arizona shares a border with Mexico. And you may also remember that Gabby Giffords is from Arizona too.
Also near the border in Arizona, Fort Huachuca, in Cochise County.
"Major tenants are the Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM)/9th Army Signal Command and the United States Army Intelligence Center."
See: not newsworthy
It has "just been learned" that the US State Department has allowed an unprecedented number of arms to flow into Mexico in 2009, under the Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) program.
A secret operation to run guns across the border to Mexican drug cartels — overseen by U.S. government agents — threatens to become a major scandal for the Obama administration.
The operation, called “Fast and Furious,” was run out of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) office in Phoenix, Arizona. ATF sanctioned the purchase of weapons in U.S. gun shops and tracked the smuggling route to the Mexican border. Reportedly, more than 2,500 firearms were sold to straw buyers who then handed off the weapons to gunrunners under the nose of ATF.
But once across the border, the agency seemed to lose track of the weapons. Hundreds of AK-47s and Barrett .50 caliber rifles — favorites of warring drug cartels —made it easily into the hands of some of Mexico’s most ruthless crime organizations.
We think MORE THAN 2500 weapons made it across the Mexican border. Mexico is armed to the teeth. Regrettable.
Now this DCS program is run by the US State Department. And it has a big staff.
Key personnel here:
Look at all those Compliance Specialists.
This particular department is headed by an Army man, Mr. Kovac.;%20Bob.pdf
Before entering the civil service, Mr. Kovac was a US Army officer and served in infantry, intelligence, special operations, and inspector general assignments in the US, Korea, Germany, Honduras, the Caribbean and the Persian Gulf. Mr. Kovac is a member of the Senior Executive Service, and holds a BA in Political Science and Psychology from the University of Pittsburgh, an MS in Strategic Intelligence from the Joint Military Intelligence College, and is a graduate of the US Army Command and General Staff College.Also see: The Mexican Drug War Has Become a Hot Market for US Weapons Sales
Are these people spectacularly incompetent, or was it by design that Mexico be flooded with weapons?
Let's assume it is by design.
Now let's suppose something happens, something bad, with some of these weapons. Where do you suppose the breadcrumb trail will lead? To the US State Department? To the US military? To Israel's flunkies in the US Congress?
Where is the House of Cake, where the Evil Witch lives who wants to cook us in her oven?
Well, if you follow the evidence, you will likely arrive here. Don't go in.
Yep Peasant, that sums up the world of bullshit we all have allowed them to bury us in. Bullshit 24/7; morning, noon and night.
Meanwhile, most are glued to their propaganda tube getting really important info, like the latest goss on Britney / Paris / "Lady" KaKa, or watching a bunch of overpaid lunks toss a pigskin around a paddock.
You get the feeling we are regressing to the stone age? I do.
I've been finding myself using your term 'the narrative' in real world conversations to describe the lies of gov and media. It seems to fit when trying to project a casual matter of fact approach in getting points across.
referring to the narrative kind of objectifies it. this allows us to have a different perspective, some distance, some objectivity hopefully.
because it works both ways. the narrative is designed to draw people in emotionally, without their awareness. but if we are aware of the narrative, it loses it's power to control.
hope this makes sense to someone other than me...
Also use "Regrettable" quite often. And "top fucking talent" too :-)
The arming of Mexico reminds me of that old Bill Hicks bit..."Pick up the gun..." BAM! "You all saw, he had a gun."
Perhaps they'll declare that the "violence is out of control" and the politicians will declare "Something MUST be done!" and we'll send some "peacekeepers" down there to keep an eye on things. Kinda like we're keeping an eye on "things" in Afghanistan.
When I think of South America, I think of the Bush properties bought over that aquafier. (sp?)
Great post AP.
yes you know it that eventually something must be done. now what happens to kick that off is anyone's guess. i would think it would have to on the spectacular side however, and involving many dead Americans, given that violence has been out of control for some time in Mexico.
the part of South America you mean is Paraguay. the Chaco specifically. you can do a search on my blog for it -- there's a bunch of posts about it. definitely a spook haven of some sort.
they also get more mileage out of the Argentina bombings on jewish targets in the early 90s. those are brought up routinely in the TBA narrative. of course the evidence showing that the bombs were pre-planted inside the buildings is never mentioned.
I've been researching on the net for years, as have you and others, but I suspect the vast majority of our fellow citizens are still welded by the ass to their couches, soaking up Dancing With The Dimwits, the Big Lies of their elected traitors, the utter garbage spewed by those oily religion salesmen, etc.
However, I hope your optimistic attitude is correct and my pessimistic expectation does not come to pass. That will take one hell of an awakening, wouldn't you say?
We've seen what happens when the American people begin to get a little uppity, and decide that having a central bank is detrimental to their prosperity.
Central Bank 1 - war of 1812, Washington burnt down.
Central Bank 2 - Andrew Jackson survives assassination attempt. (double misfire)
Kennedy's EO 11110 (I think) regarding Silver Certificates - Magic bullets
So that brings us to little old Ron Paul. I've been following him since 2007, and I have to admit, that he was a major reason I began to start researching history, revisionism, the Fed, Rothchilds, Club of Rome, CFR and more. It's hard for me to see him as anything but a good influence. However...him being elected president is essentially electing an austerity president, relative to the the way of life Americans have become accustomed to.
As much as I like his rhetoric, and his vision of what America is supposed to be, I can't help he's being brought in to manage the "controlled demolition" of the Fed. His record of 30 years is amazing. Could plans span that length of time? It reminds me of Hoovers statement "One comes face to face with..."
Now, the zio-media knows Americans love an underdog, come-from-behind, long-shot wins Hollywood ending. Ron Paul is being heavily covered.
(an entire show on Stossel?!)
If he were to win, bringing troops back, cutting off foreign aid, competing currencies, etc.....would it signal to the elites that the time to engage Operation Gladio on American shores has arrived? It would give the neo-cons, zionists, and MIC people the "I told ya so" excuse to ramp up the war rhetoric again. Amazingly, in the past 10 years we haven't seen Muslim terrorism on American shores at all. I predict that changing very quickly once the siphoning of tax funds to these groups ends.
I'm hearing calls to rally the Veterans around his campaign. (Somewhat mirroring Smedley Butler and the Bonus Army?) Adam Kokesh seems to be involved. (Ever notice the facial similariy between Kokesh and Lenin?, sorry off-topic). Kokesh was recently given a show.
Then again, the idea that he's being pimped to ensure an Obama second term is also being floated.
I hope you don't mind me sharing some thoughts here.
So we are 10 years down the road from the Israeli Government of America murdering 3000 people on American soil on 9/11. There has been ample evidence on the internet for nearly the entire 10 years showing that false flag for what it was.
Are we any closer to those psychopaths being tried (in a non-kosher court) for their crimes?
Ron Paul? He doesn't know 9/11 is more full of holes than a Swiss cheese?
He knows. He also knows, I suspect, that if he says anything it will earn him a ride down Dealey Plaza in the back of the Presidential limo.
9/11 widow Beverly Eckert is a case in point of high profile people upsetting the apple cart and suffering unfortunate accidents.
You guys would be meshugana to miss it, I don't want to hear you kvetching if you do.
I, for one, have it TiVo'ed, and my mother and I will be making popcorn.
@5:35 "I know you went to the precinct before to tell them what you were doing. But WHAT HAPPENED? Did they come to your house?"
Predictive programming?
ron paul. i used to like him, not that i follow politics much anymore. then i read about him here:
so if you check some of those out, he is being brought in to manage the 'controlled demolition' of the Fed. i think that is correct. he is controlled opposition for the bankers. bad. bad ron.
people consistently underestimate the intricacy of the deceits being leveled on us. ron paul is an excellent example. they take great pride in these deceptions. how great would it be for them to funnel all those veterans and patriots into the cul-de-sac of doom? pretending to give them what they want when really they are disemboweling what's left of this country? no one gets positive coverage unless that person is pre-approved. if they are building him up, there's a reason.
mouser, the question is whether ron paul *wants* to say the truth of what he knows, OR whether he is merely ACTING like he wants to say the truth of what he knows.
blammo, :D we are verklempt at the heroics of these ladies.
swits, i have to watch the whole thing. this is teevee stuff i tend to miss.
Ron Paul, Rand Paul. Rand Paul, Ron Paul. What is the saying about the tree which bears bad fruit?
"no one gets positive coverage unless that person is pre-approved" - Exactly. Or gets coverage lavished upon them. This Donald Trump sideshow is taking it to the extreme. Yesterday we saw him on CNN bashing the oil companies and calling China "those mutherfuckers", soo.. gosh, he's saying all the right things! For a certain demo. IMHO that particular agenda is not to achieve a Trump candidacy, but to fracture Barry's opposition, or to deliver said demo over to an official candidate with a Trump endorsement. Not that it's of any importance, but does anyone have any insight into the Trump situation?
As it is now getting very close to America's permanent bedtime, I cannot think of a more apt figurehead for what this sad country has become today, than installing the monkey . . . so, Vote 1 Donald, I say. (I'll refrain from the obvious Banana Republic pun.)
Anyway, whichever bozo they decide to place in the Oval Office makes no difference; it will take its orders from Israel, or suffer the fate of the Kennedy brothers.
As some are now saying, America's Sixpack family couldn't care less. Of course they'll whine and bitch and moan when it's their turn to get the "Gaza treatment," but one of the Laws of the Universe is that what you give out you get back, eventually.
It's all about how cosy they are with 'the bankers'. The trumps of this world are totally captive to the bankers.